10 - white shirt

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their eyes met across the bar for the third time that day.

a smile pulled at the woman's lips as his green eyes stared back into hers. a mess of tousled hair, unwashed clothes and brush between his hands, he unsuccessfully attempted to suppress the grin that overtook his face. her pen poised in its usually position above the scribbled notes from her earlier classes as she stifled a small laugh.

his head shook lightly with amusement before he broke the eye contact, continuing with his so called 'Charlie Work' around the bar. her own returned to the page before her, feverish smile continuing to spread across her face.

he sneaked another glance at the woman, his own smile growing as he saw hers. she was hunched over the bar top, scribbling some nonsensical words into a notepad that Charlie guessed he could only dream of understanding. she glanced up every few seconds, stared into nothingness and returned to her work after those few minutes of deep thought. he found it amusing, the way her pencil tapped against the notepad as she desperately searched for the correct word or phrase stuck in the back of her brain, how her eyebrows furrowed in frustration when she failed in her literary quest but scribbled something anyways.

the sound of a pencil dropping, infuriated sigh following. Charlie glanced up just as the woman marched towards him, phone in hand. "you got a date."

"oh?" he raised a suspicious eyebrow. "..with you?"

her cheeks flushed pink. "no, not with me." she huffed, hand latching onto his arm. "with Nyla."

a small grin grew across his face at her frustration. "Nyla?"

"mhm. girl from school, drama major. she's your fake girlfriend for today."

his smile faltered slightly. "oh! ...why do i need a fake girlfriend?"

Y/n stared incredulously before turning to walk towards the door, Charlie stumbling behind as he was dragged in pursuit. "for the waitress..?"

shit, the waitress. "oh.. yeah!"

"your apartments close right?" she raised a hand to shield her eyes from the bright burning sun as they made their way outside, stopping to turn to an utterly dumbfounded Charlie. he cleared his throat. "why?"

"you smell like shit." a grin graced the woman's face as Charlie frowned in fake offense. "damn alright... and why am i changing?"

she groaned, both in defeat from the man's simple minded comments and the heat emanating from the bright sun. "Charlie, man, keep up. we're getting you ready for your 'date', alright?"

his face split into one of understanding. finally. "ohh, alright. cool! so just like- wait, the dates now?"

she nodded, hand moving to grab his arm once again. "uh huh, she'll be here in 10. where's your apartment?"

Charlie gestured in the general direction, suddenly regretting the rash decision he'd made the day before. he didn't want to go on a date with some random chick he didn't even know. he wanted to go with.. the waitress. his feet plodded heavily behind Y/n, eyes silently wandering over the figure before him. y'know, he thought, if he wasn't so in love with the waitress, he'd be all over her like a lovesick puppy. everything about her was just so.. pretty. ever since that night in the bowling alley, he'd really begun to take notice of the little things; her little dotted moles, the way the sun bounced off her eyes so vividly, the small imperfections in her appearance that he bathed in so fondly. man, if he wasn't in love with the waitress..

"stop starin', perv."

her light voice pulled him back to the humid environment they walked through. she turned to look back at him, sly grin growing.

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