3 - the gang invade college

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third person pov

Y/n found the group.. interesting to say the least. they were loud, abrasive, never thought before they speak. it was an almost refreshing change from the boring humdrum of stuck up college students she unwillingly surrounded herself with daily who, if you said even one wrong thing, would discard you like yesterdays trash. with the gang, she could say whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, and be met with either a mass of agreements or agitated yelling, and be accepted for both.

her department was particularly snobby when it came to mannerisms and language. sure, there was a few exceptions, but most students in her classes avoided incivility and back talk like the black plague, always turning up their noses at even the friendliest of so called 'crass' banter.

so, you would believe her delight when both groups unexpectedly merged one day on the college campus.

Y/n, between classes and free from work, was sat on the viridescent grass outside her a brickwork college building, cigarette between her fingers and weighty book resting atop her crossed legs. she was in the process of studying for her next exam; not a big one mind you, but an exam all the same and she was determined to pass. the girl maintained a massively above average grade and worked considerably hard to do so, though of course was still rejected by fellow classmates for her so called 'foul mouth'. not that she gave a flying fuck.

her eyes darted swiftly up at a commotion on the other side of the college green, curious as to what it could be. the campus was a relatively quiet place, students and professors usually strolling leisurely and almost noiselessly between classes.
but this was neither students nor professors.

a gleeful smile cracked across her face as she watched a familiar blonde shove through a stubborn man in her way, men behind causing quiet the scene as they yelled belligerent insults, arms raised in annoyance to prove their probably futile point. the man they'd pushed past simply stared after them, clearly not used to the blunt ways of the small gang of bar owners.

Y/n let her book fall closed with a sharp clap as the group made their way over, taking a slow drag from the near finished cigarette. Dee's eyes greeted her own almost warmly, determined smile rested on her lips. "whaddup bitch."


Charlie plopped himself next to the young woman with a heaved sigh, hands planted firmly in the grass behind him. "man y'know... probably clouds 'n' shit." he shielded his eyes from the suns bright glare and groaned. "shit dude, it's fucking hot."

"is that what you came here for?" Y/n blew out a thing line of blue-ish grey smoke with an amused grin. Mac lowered himself onto the soft grass and cracked open a cold beer from the six pack beside him. "y'know, we already searched like 3 college for you." he ignored her earlier question.

"you wanted me that bad huh?"

"oh ever so much." Dennis grumbled sarcastically beside Mac as he too twisted the top off a condensation riddled bottle and took a long swig. Dee handed one to Y/n to which the woman gratefully accepted, cigarette left dangling from her lips as she quickly opened the beer. "so this is college.. i could totally do this, but y'know, without all the classes 'n' shit."

"damn." Mac weighed her dense book in a hand with surprising carefulness. "what the fucks this?"


"this is just notes?!" the burly man stared incredulously into the woman's eyes as she grinned, stubbing the smoldering butt of her cigarette out on the side of the murky glass bottle. "yup." Y/n passed a beer to Charlie's outstretched hand. "last year and then i get my degree."

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