6 - jellybeans

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the prison stood like a massive fortress of brick and concrete before them, though the dark foreboding energy that dissipated from it was almost completely offset by Y/n and Charlie's off key singing (screaming may have been a better word) to amy winehouse's 'Back to Black' album at full volume over the cars derelict sound system, gently crackling with the heavy bass undertones.

the music died with a sudden jolt after Y/n had turned the key, heavy silence filling where the music had once played. all three parties stared at the enormous building, eyes slowly traveling up in order to take in the full effect of this incredible building. it was not a happy place, that was evident enough. not a place for reform and healing as a prison should be, no; this was dark and dangerous, it left a heavy energy on the surrounding areas and people, evident by the dreary expressions of the exiting visitors. mrs kelly in contrast, was as bubbly as ever.

"gosh, i haven't seen luther in so long!" she babbled excitedly, fingers wringing exactly as Y/n noticed Charlie's did sometimes. it brought an amused smile to the woman's face. Charlie threw open his door with a heavy sigh. "let's just go? and mom-" he stepped out and opened Mrs Kelly's door. "please please don't do anything weird. just- just be normal."

"Charlie, i'd never embarrass you on purpose-" she cupped his face lovingly causing Charlie to jerk back in annoyance, much to Y/n's amusement. Y/n closed her door with a loud bang that echoed across the vast, but very empty, car park. "so what's the plan?"

Charlie led the way, a woman either side. "well." he turned to  Y/n. "we sit back and relax while she.. uh, she talks with luther."

"and by talks you mean-"

"by talks i mean talks, Y/n!" he interrupted quickly, eyes glaring through her own. "talking, talking is good, they're just talking."


"NORMAL THINGS!-" he lowered his voice considerably, eyeing a watchful guard at the entrance. "-normal things, Y/n, just.. just shut up, you bitch."

the young woman smirked. Charlie wasn't always the easiest, but was definitely the most fun to irritate. you had to hit just the right string, but when you did; boom, he was screaming, hands flying, eyes bulging, voice high as a dog whistle. it was an experience she'd grown to love over the past while. fortunately, he was also always easiest to forgive; buy him a beer or some cheese, make him a milk steak or spaghetti- you were good to go.

the prison was surprisingly lax on security. guards leaned against the wall in ease chatting to one another whilst visitors roamed in and out of the building almost freely; it was a jarring experience compared to where Y/n was from; or maybe this wasn't a very 'max security' prison.. still, it definitely should've been more secure than whatever this was. all they had to do was simply sign their names on a sheet of paper and just like that; they were in. well, Y/n and Mrs Kelly signed their names- Charlie squiggled a funny little line with a couple of random letters dotted around. at least he tried.

as soon as they walked through and into the visiting area, Mrs Kelly made a b-line straight for a rather disheveled looking man sat at one of the many round tables of the communal room. Y/n exchanged a sort of side eye with Charlie and cleared her throat. "we could go to the vending machines?"

"that sounds good." his response came almost instantly, eyes unwillingly trained upon his mothers hand which had snaked its way around Luther's arm. Luther either hadn't noticed, or didn't care that the two were there, and honestly Y/n preferred it that way. she'd rather not interact with him at all.

she trailed behind Charlie on his merry way to the machines, mind completely overtaken by the possibility of food. "y'think they have any beer here?"

"why dontcha ask?" she spoke with a small innocent smile. he paused for a moment before shaking his head. "if they had beer, it'd be up front, duh! best foods go up front, y'know what i mean? why would they hide the beer? ..unless, they're keeping it all for themselves-"

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