13 - behind bars

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and that's how Y/n ended up arrested, sitting in a grimy police station holding cell that was somehow still cleaner than the bar, and in the process of coming down from a glue high.

she currently lay on one of the hard plastic benches within the holding cell, cigarette dangling carelessly from her lips and mild headache that has since formed within gradually becoming more and more severe. Charlie sat slumped at her feet, also seemingly suffering his feat of avid glue sniffing, and most likely a mild hangover.

they'd been here about three hours now, and still there were no signs of any change.

"hey, man, guy- hey, wait c'mon!" Dennis' hands hung lazily from the metal cage of the cell, short laugh of disbelief leaving his mouth. "we're innocent, we didn't do anything wrong!" the uniformed officer on the other side chuckled. "yeah, guess how many times a day i hear that, pal."

"yeah- yeah, but we're actually telling the truth!" Dee's desperate voice spoke up at her position beside Dennis. she clung to the flimsy cage with a desperate groan as the officer chuckled again. "i'm sure you are, sweetheart."

she silently cursed at the policeman's utter lack of consideration to the situation and made her way, dejectedly, back to the bench with Dennis trailing behind. Dee flopped onto the hard surface next to Y/n's tangled hair. "what a cunt."

"fuck the police." Y/n mumbled quietly, earning a quick nod from the woman. Dee narrowly eyed the other side of the miniature room. "look at her sitting there... she thinks she's gonna just rat us all out and get off..." the waitress stared back, almost challenging Dee herself. what a stupid, stupid idea- Dee, Y/n had previously discovered, was willing to fight anyone... not that she'd necessarily win, but she had the determination.

Y/n inhaled a healthy lungful of smoke and grinned. "wanna fuck her over?"

Dee's eyes snapped back to Y/n with a devilish smirk. "you bet your ass."

"woah, woah, woah, no- no, you're not 'fucking over' the waitress, alright?" Charlie protested quickly, hands moving to lean on Y/n's propped knees. she glanced at his eyes peeking pleadingly over. "i'm tryna get the girl, not drive her away, man! c'mon, have some compassion! Mac, back me up!"

Mac sucked his teeth from the floor in front of Charlie, fingers tapping awkwardly against each other. "well..." he dragged out. "you have a point, sure, but for me and my well-being, i'm gonna go with screwing the waitress over. also; it sounds pretty fun, so-"

Charlie groaned, eyes flickering desperately throughout the cell. "Dennis?"

"fuck that bitch-"

"shouldn't have asked you- Frank! Frankie, my man, c'mon! you agree, right?" Charlie's arm wrapped around the man beside him with ease, bright eyes almost begging the man he shared a bed with to just back him up.

"nah, fuck 'er." Charlie jerked back with surprising offence to the man's quick response. "wai- wait, whaddya mean, Frank? what the hell man, i thought we were brothers?!"

Frank have a simple careless shrug in response. "i'm sorry, Charlie, but if i get another offence on my record, i'm screwed. i swore i'd never let the bastards get to me, and i'll live up to that promise till the day i die..."

heavy silence filled the cell following Frank's grave words, air thick as snow as he stared menacingly throughout the small group. a harsh clap broke the silence after a few more tense moments. "so we're screwing over the waitress then?" Dennis looked between all faces- minus Charlie- and received nods from all corners. "great, so, what's-"

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