2 - stalking ban

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third person pov

"shit, man-"

Y/n stumbled backwards against her car, mouth dropped open to reveal a piece of pink bubblegum within as her eyes wandered wordlessly over the small man before her. a grin grew on Charlie's face as he straightened up, heavy door to the bar closing surprisingly noiselessly behind him.

"yo, can i have a piece of gum?" he ignored, or perhaps simply wasn't conscious of the surprise evident on her face, and instead held out a hand. his lips were curled into a beguiling smile, eyes sparkling as they met hers. Y/n rolled her eyes with a small amused shrug, digging around in her pocket. "you in a rush or somethin'? you popped outta there like.. i dunno..-"

"a mole?"

Y/n cracked an amused, slightly bewildered grin as she dropped the small wrapped square of gum onto his palm. "sure, a mole."

"it's good you're here actually-" Charlie threw the now unwrapped piece of gum high into the air, missed his mouth completely and sighed in defeat as he picked it from the roasting hot ground, brushing off some dirt and hairs before popping it into his mouth with a content grin. "it's good you're here, i was just gonna look for you. see- okay, where do i start.."

Y/n blew a small pink bubble, allowing it to pop over her lips as she patiently waited.

"right, well basically today is the waitress's second job at the bowling alley until 8pm, and dennis is all up on me because i spilt a drink on his good jeans, which by the way already had a rip in them? though..," he raised a hand to his chin in thought. "though now i'm starting to think that might be intentional.. anyways, he's really mad at me, so i was thinking since the waitress is working, youuu could teach me how to get her? and it'll give me a reason to yknow, avoid Dennis 'cause this is important business, right?" Charlie stared expectantly at the young woman, wide manic eyes staring deep into the others.

she stared back, somewhat dumbfounded by the man before her. by far one of the most interesting people she'd ever met, and she'd only known him a day- actually, less than a day. and damnit if he wasn't persuasive.. or maybe Y/n just wanted to observe his wild behaviors further, see what he was about. whichever it was, it seemed to work in his favor.

she hitched handbag straps further onto her shoulder with a nod. "sure. i'm workin' though, so sit at the bar and we can talk?"

Charlie's intense stare melted into soft eyes and smiles, arms rapidly pumping above his head. "SICK. yeah, totally." he glanced to the worn door to Paddy's Pub, eyes flickering back to Y/n with a small awkward chuckle. "..can you go in first? dennis could yknow-" he mimed slitting his throat with a small laugh. Y/n snorted in amusement and pushed herself from against the car, now standing to her full height. she was almost the same height as charlie, though a little on the taller side. it was a little funny she thought, to have such a big personality in a small body.

the h/c woman pushed the door open, eyes met with much the same scene as earlier that day though maybe a few more faces dotted throughout the room. the 'gang' was in much the same position as earlier excluding Charlie, which only pushed Y/n to think; had they moved at all since she had been there that morning?

"ayyy, it's my favourite employee!" Frank trotted towards her, arms outstretched as an overly friendly smile portrayed atop his lips. "come settle somethin' for me, would ya?"

"man, stop buttering her up, she's not stupid, even you said so earlier." Mac complained as the short man dragged Y/n towards them, Charlie following cautiously behind, eyes intently trained on Dennis.

"shuddup ronald. now Y/n- here hun, sit." he patted the barstool beside him before hopping up on another, eyes focused solely on hers. "so listen-"


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