11 - gun enthusiast

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"Y/n, you are a god."

the woman let the light handbag fall from her shoulder as she walked behind the bar, perplexed smile slowly rising on her face. Mac's arm rested loosely around her shoulders, body quickly relaxing against her own. since that faithful night, they'd seemed a lot closer, almost like a certain bond was formed- Dennis had offered up his services to quote, 'help the team become stronger' but was quickly shut down. "i know that, but carry on."

Dennis' mouth opened to interject a few meaningless words but was quickly cut off by an unexpectedly enthusiastic Frank. "we got the drugs."

her eyes quickly widened. "no fuckin' way, where?"

Dee rolled her eyes, cheek resting against a propped elbow. "no we don't, we don't have them frank!"

"well, we're gettin' 'em, soon. it'll be a quick job, in and out before ya know it." he waved a dismissive hand and took a sip of the water spotted glass before him, presumably containing some sort of scotch.

"wait, wait, Frank; what d'you mean a 'quick job'?" Y/n spoke slowly, as if to let the information sink in. Frank sucked on his teeth as he lowered the glass back onto the wooden bar top, hemming and hawing around the subject at hand.

"we're stealing it." Charlie spoke with a shrug, eyes trained on Y/n- or more specifically, the man with his arm around her. Charlie shifted in his seat and cleared his throat, then leaned forward awkwardly, eyes drifting from the couple and instead to his roommate, who was currently in the process of rummaging through his pockets.

"yeah, yeah, stealin' it.." Frank subconsciously noted the harsh glares he was receiving from all sides. "oh, don't act all high and fuckin' mighty now, you goddamn hypocrites- i've seen the shit that all of you do, this doesn't even scratch the goddamn surface! besides, it's an easy job, in and out before ya know it, a few minutes tops- ah, there you are!"

his hands clasped tight around something in his pocket and pulled. thick, black material bunched into his hand, the other quickly smoothing it out as he cackled. "Frank, what-.. what the hell even is that?" Dennis muttered, mainly in pure intrigue but perhaps slightly out of fear.

that black material was quickly grabbed in Frank's hands, and much to the groups surprise, pulled over the half bald head of the man. but it just kept going, over his face and down his neck, where it finally stopped. "ta-da! isn't she gorgeous?" of course; a goddamn balaclava.

"damn, Frank.." Charlie mumbled quietly, eyes wide as he stared. he let out a harsh sigh, and then a breathy laugh. "that is a good quality 'clava man, where'd you get this?" his hand reached to touch the fine material, quickly slapped back by Frank. Charlie cradled his hand in a sulk. "this is good quality material, Charlie, thank you for noticing," Frank gestured to the balaclava. "which means, i do not want you touching it with your disgusting goddamn fingers- go wash 'em, then you can touch."

"wait- so we're robbing the drugs.." Mac looking to frank in search of some kind of affirmation, quickly continuing at the signaled nod. "but, from where; you're the only one that's 'allowed' to read the letter, what, is it like a secret lair or something?" Mac mocked in annoyance. Charlie gasped. "oh damn, you guys think it's like a ghoul lair?"

"we-.. no, Charlie, just- no, jesus." Mac groaned. his arm tensed just slightly around Y/n, just enough for her to be aware of the fact that he was beginning to get pissed off. getting Mac pissed off was very easy; say anything even remotely offensive towards him and he'll basically full on fist fight you. she always enjoyed riling him up, though maybe, she thought, that wouldn't be the best option considering the position she was currently in. Mac let out a deep sigh and sucked in another breath, eyes moving to Frank's. "well, Frank?" Charlie slumped dejectedly back into his seat. Y/n suppressed a smile at the irritated expression presented on his face; like a kid told 'no more candy'.

love lessons | charlie kelly x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora