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((Y/N)'s POV)

Susan did not let me go all day and the other girls were mad at her, even if she did let them touch me and feed me. I thought she would at least put me down for the bath, but she just got in the shower with me to hold me. I just wanted to stretch my legs at least to get a break from being curled up into a ball, but whenever I stuck my feet out, she tickled me. When we heard a door open downstairs she held me tighter until we saw Eris walk through the door and she looked a little tired.

 When we heard a door open downstairs she held me tighter until we saw Eris walk through the door and she looked a little tired

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She just got on the bed to lie down while she looked at us.

Eris-Susan, give him to me.

Susan-Can Susan hold her squishy a little longer?

Eris-Give him.

She looked sad, but finally let me go, only for Eris to hold me while she lied down in bed. She gave me a few kisses and then rolled over to put me on top of her. I started to see how tired she looked when she closed her eyes to already go to sleep. Susan just looked a little sad before she left the room and Eris already fell asleep. I knew that because of her snoring. I tried to move, but then she stirred and would just get mad if I woke her up, so I tried to sleep too. Maybe the girls will find me tonight. The town is not that big.

(Man's POV)

I was in my tent since I regrouped and tried to tell them 'everything' that happened to me, but they thought I was crazy. It did sound crazy and what made it worse is that they were probably going right into a trap. They would not listen and there is not a chance in hell they will let me leave. We were leading an attack to fight terrorists in the morning, but if what I saw was true...

Man's mind-It's going to be a blood bath.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Maddie's POV)

Whichever lady caused so much destruction yesterday, she was horrible at making sure she wasn't tracked down. We just need to wait for that army to come and keep her and the others busy while Wanda goes in the house, grabs (Y/N) and takes him back to our secret spot on the beach to hide him. While they waste energy on an army, I just have to take down Anti Wanda and get her wand. When we saw the army come over the hills, it took a while for the targets to notice and come out, but Anti Wanda poofed away with (Y/N) to who knows where.

 When we saw the army come over the hills, it took a while for the targets to notice and come out, but Anti Wanda poofed away with (Y/N) to who knows where

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