Ending Credits

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(Mom's POV)

I woke up to my baby getting out of bed and pulling me a little when my arms unwrapped around him. I stretched a bit and saw Debbie waking up too. He was going to leave the room but just got out of bed to pick him up and hold him. He looked at me a little shaken for a moment and this made me a little confused. I just rubbed his back in case it was just that he had a nightmare then Debbie came over. One look at his face made her a little worried as well.

Mom-What's wrong, sweetie? Did you have a nightmare? ~

Debbie-Want something to drink or snack on to calm you down? ~

(Y/N)-I... have to use the bathroom.

Mom-*Sigh* Alright, just come back when you're done.

I put him down and Debbie tried to give him a kiss on his head, but he walked away and didn't even notice her attempt. He had trouble with the door being locked, so I let him out to go to the bathroom then he didn't even notice me trying to rub his head. I wonder what he dreamed about to make him act like that.

Mom's mom-He always accepts our love and affection.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I didn't feel so good after what I just heard them say down the hall, so I just locked myself in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I thought about everything and if they really did put people in that T.V. then it would explain what happened to (B/N) and his friends being gone, my neighbor, Dan being gone. Who else did they put in there?! They are supposed to be good guys, at least to where they would not do this. I pictured real people from my world being thrown in there and turned into glitches and stuff... Them being in there for so long now...

(Y/N)'s mind-I think I'm gonna get sick.

I just leaned over the toilet and after a bit, I heard a knock on the door.

Drew-(Y/N), are you ok there? Debbie said that you had a nightmare.

I felt a little scared and if I tell them that I know then they might get mad or something. (B/N) gets mad when he gets caught, so I need to keep this a secret for now.

(Y/N)-I'm fine... I just need some time alone.

Drew-Just let me know us you need anything, but after you get done in there, Maddie and I are going to watch you. We're going to check your ears in my room.


I think she left, but I have no idea what I am going to do. Most of them can beat me in a fight with no problem and they are just going to hurt more people...

(Y/N)'s mind-I need to get out of here... The army is still here, so maybe they can help.

(Eris's POV)

We made it to the house, so I calmed down the chaos a bit to not destroy my new home or hurt my baby. There was no sign of any fighting, so it made me wonder if the plan went well and if they were trying to hog him or if something went wrong. They should've at least put up a fight... I'm playing it safe.

Eris-Stick together and be ready. I don't let this.

Penelope-But I can go through walls by being tangible.

Eris-They have a fairy too, and a ghost hunter. Not to mention that we are already down by 2, so they have 6 to our 3. We play this smart.

Penelope-Then why not use the army, if numbers are so great?

Eris-Like I am giving any of them weapons to shoot at my property for any reason.

Penelope-So what do we do?

The Void (Cancelled Cartoon Moms x Child Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن