Jack Champion

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Y/N can be you or anyone you wish to be. ❤️
Btw here's a quick photo of jack just for y'all to get a better idea of him when reading.
Anyways, this is my first story, and the first part, so I hope you guys enjoy 💕

Friday, 8:30 pm, march 16.
"Thanks again for driving us ms. Ortega!" I said while bending over into the rolled down window.
"No problem sweetie. You girls have fun! Remember to call me if you need anything, okay girls?"
"Alright, mom." Jenna replied.
"Sounds good Ms. Ortega," Sam added on.
We all look at each other, knowing we looked good as hell. We make our way up the steps and onto the porch. I look to my right and see like 3 couples scattered on the front porch making out. Basically swallowing each other alive. I then take another glance to my left to see a bunch of teenagers throwing random glass bottles into the bushes. We get to the front door and I can already hear the music and people on the other side.

Sam reaches for the handle and swings open the unlocked door. We all walk in and all of a sudden the music gets extremely loud. We awkwardly stick with each other for about 15 minutes. We talked to a couple people we knew as a group, before Jenna blurted "Imma go get a drink!"
"Yeah, I think I'm gonna go watch the game." Sam added as she turned to me and pointed towards the living room filled with a bunch of people, chips, popcorn, and drinks.
"Meet back here at 11:30?" I asked before they could walk away. Jenna and Sam gave me a thumbs up, and we all went our separate ways. I stood there awkwardly and all by myself, waiting for something to get my attention. I check my phone for any notifications, but I could only see the reminder I set for my audition tomorrow morning. I turn my phone off and start walking around.

I became face to face with a door that seems to lead to the bathroom. I slightly cracked it open enough for me to see a sink and a mirror. I then fully open the door and lock it behind me. I positioned myself in front of the mirror and started to brush my hair out with my fingers and checking to see if there was anything in my teeth. I sighed from slight boredom while staring back at myself in the mirror. I yanked my phone out of my back pocket to see, yet again, no new notifications.

I finished off in the bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror one last time. I quickly applied some cherry lip gloss before grabbing the handle and pushing the door open. I immediately felt pressure against something, and the sound of slight clattering. My first instinct was to gasp and put my hand over my mouth. I tried to get a better look of what— or who I hit. It was so dark and loud I didn't even know what was going on. I fully step out the door to see a tall boy with lots of curly brown hair, big brown eyes, and the most perfect teeth I've ever seen. He was holding an empty cup and a his shirt was drenched in what I assumed was alcohol.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I exclaimed with my hand still around my mouth.

I could feel the eyes of the people around us on me, and it was not a good feeling.

"No no, don't worry about it." He answered while slightly smiling and looking down at his stained shirt.

"Here, let me get you some paper towels." I walked over to the kitchen, and he followed behind me.
I quickly took some random bounty paper towels I found under the kitchen sink, still in dis-belief. I handed him the paper towels, and he started drying himself off.

"Again, I am SO SO sorry for spilling your drink."
I said as I watched him patting himself down.

"No, it's my fault, I shouldn't of been so close against that door, literally anybody could of came out and knocked my drink over."

I looked up and made eye contact with him. He gave me a re-assuring smile, which was honestly kind of comforting. I quietly sighed in relief and grabbed a couple more paper towels for him. We stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say as we literally just met and knew nothing about each other.

"I like your shirt!" I said randomly
The shirt was white with blue lettering going across, spelling out Billabong. There was a sunset in the back and some other cool graphics.
"Well, actually.. I.. I liked your shirt." I said while making a slight sorry face. He just looked up from his shirt and chuckled.

"So, now I know you as the crazy lady that ruined one of my favourite shirts." He said jokingly as he leaned against the counter, which by the way was kind of hot. "But what's your real name?"
I laughed a little and then answered,"Y/N, my names Y/N."
"Nice to meet you crazy lady who knocked- oh sorry i mean, Y/N."
That one actually make me laugh.
"My names jack by the way." He added, a couple seconds later.
I smiled and looked at his cute dimples and fluffy brown hair. "Here, why don't I give you my phone number, just in case you ever want me to get you a new shirt."
"Alright, sounds good to me." He replied while reaching for his back pocket. He quickly unlocked his phone and handed it to me. I typed in my number and re-named my contact to: "Crazy lady who ruined my favourite shirt."

I handed it back to him and we stared at each other in silence for a good 4 and a half seconds.

"Do you wanna go watch the game with me? I was actually headed there in the first place, so your welcome to join!"

"Yeah of course, I would love that." I said Happily, while staring into his brown innocent eyes. Gosh he was so cute. He had like the perfect face, fuck he even smelt amazing.
He gestures for me to walk out first as we were crammed in between the kitchen counter and the island.

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