Margaritas and memories

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I woke up the next morning, going straight to my phone. I had multiple notifications but I was only interested in one. That one being Jacks.

Nope, no notifications from jack.

I slump back into my bed, my hands rubbing against my face.

I fill my room with a groan. I just wanted to see Jack. I just wanted to see him fix his brown fluffy hair. Is that to much to ask for?

The door to my bedroom swung open. "Hi sweetie!" My mom greeted.

"Hi mom," I groaned.

"Ugh, sweetie how many times have I asked you to pick up your dirty laundry!" She cried, as she was cleaning my room.

I watched her from my bed in annoyance.

"By the way, my work colleague is coming over for dinner tonight. Be ready by 6!" My mom said.

"Uhhh, okay then," I said suspiciously.

"Oh and uh, she's also bringing her son I think," she said, a little quieter.

Oh great, some random 10 year old kid I gotta babysit. This always happens, my mom invites her girlfriends over and then I'm stuck with their pesky little kid.

I was not looking forward to tonight.

5:50 pm

10 minutes until the guest arrived. My mom was going absolutely mental. She made me re-make my bed about 4 times. Now, she's going around the house spraying Fabreeze everywhere.

Could the night not get any worse?

Knock knock

"They're here!" My mom screamed in shock.

I furrowed my eye brows, a little weirded out by my moms behaviour,"Yes mom, I think they are."

Fake smiling, I opened the door. Their standing was my moms work colleague. To be honest, they all look the same. Some blonde soccer mom who's nicely dressed.

"Hi, sweetie! Oh would you be a darling and hold these for me?" She said, handing me a bouquet of flowers.

"Oh, uh alright then," I speak.

She searches through her purse, "My darling Gavin is still at the car. I think I left my phone in their— which is actually a really funny story. I was..." The rest I just blanked out.

Gavin... Gavin sounded extremely familiar. And then, I remembered.

"Here, mom," Gavin says, handing the phone to his mother.

This wasn't any 10 year old.

Gavin looks at me and we hold eye contact. Yup, the same dude who went for the part of Jeremiah.

Stupidly, I walk away with the bouquet of flowers. Almost like I had seen a ghost.

I put the bouquet  of flowers in a vase, filled with water.

My mom called from the living room, "Sweetie, do you mind making us some margaritas?"

"Sure mom," I said un-enthusiastically.

I grabbed 2 cups, and when I looked up, I saw a tall boy standing against the door frame.

My cheeks turned so red, my face felt like it was on fire.

"So, you know how to make margaritas?" Gavin asks, walking over to the counter.

"Yeah, somewhat." I dryly answer.

I pour in an ounce of tequila in both cups.

We both knew that we had met before, and were probably going to meet again. Of course, only if he got the part.

"Do you need any help?" Gavin asked, looking around.

I look up from my cups and make eye contact. Looking back down I say, "Yeah, that would be great thanks. There's some limes in the fridge, do you mind handing me one?"

Gavin walks over to the fridge, opening it up and searching for the limes.

"Hey, did you end up getting the part for Jeremiah Fisher?"  I asked, out of the blue.

"I did," he responded, still looking in the fridge.

I nodded my head, knowing that were gonna probably have to play lovers in the series.

He walks back to the opposite end of the kitchen island, placing the lime beside me.

He sits down as he watches me cut and make the margaritas.

"Did you get the part for Belly?" He asked continuing the conversation.

"I did, actually," I replied, cutting a slice of lime.

We both knew what this meant. I looked up and saw him thinking. Probably thinking of how awkward this is gonna be.

"What time did you get the call back?" He asked.

"Around lunchtime 2 days later," I said, taking out the salt.

"Mmm, yeah, I got it the morning after. Guess you could say they just liked me better," he said smirking.

"Shut up," I bumped his arm. He let out a slight chuckle.

I looked up at Gavin, and he looked back at me too. I quickly glanced away, trying not to make things awkward. Every time Gavin talked, I had this funny feeling in my stomach. Jack had completely left my brain. Right now what mattered was Gavin.

"Um, sweetie, can you hurry up with those margaritas!?" My mom screamed from the living room.

"Yeah, yeah, just give me a sec!" I replied.

I picked up the two cups and walked over into the living room. 

I handed my mom and her friend their drinks and walked back to the kitchen.

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