Fan girling

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‼️ SPOILERS ‼️ I had the time to make another part, but just so you know there will be scream 6 spoilers in here. Anyways enjoyyyyy

I arrive at the theatres and begin looking around for Jack. I can't seem to spot him anywhere, until I turn the corner to find jack jumping out at me.

"AHHHH!" I let out.

Jack began laughing hysterically, impressed that his plan worked.

"Your such an asshole, do you know that?" I said, trying not smile.

"Your just mad that I scared you so good."

"Shut up!" I snapped back, as I shoved past him.

"Come on, we're gonna be late, let's go get some popcorn."

Jack follows after me, still smiling.

We got our popcorn, and took our seats. Jack had his hood on so that he wouldn't get recognized, which didn't really work because a group of teenage girls came up to him asking for his autograph. It was kinda awkward because I could clearly see that most of the girls had a huge crush on him.

The theatre was extremely packed, and there were people next to us left and right. Jack took out the snacks and drinks. He plopped a big bag of popcorn in the middle of us and began chewing on a couple pieces.

10 minutes later.

The movie began, and I was so excited to see the new opening scene they came up with.

A couple minutes later, jack popped on the screen

"Since when do they cast rats?" I said.

"Shut up!" He said quietly, grabbing a piece of popcorn and throwing it at me.

I laughed hard, trying to stay quiet so I didn't ruin the movie for everyone around us.

I admired jack while he was on screen. It was kinda my only time to stare at him without it being weird. Sorry, that sounded creepy.

I went to grab a handful of popcorn when my hand met jacks.

"Oh sorry-" he blurted out.

"Oh uh.." I said.

I quickly snatched some popcorn and moved my hand out of the way.

We got near the end of the movie, when the killer had been revealed. I was extremely surprised to find out it was jack.  Seeing him murder people honestly was a little weird at first, but then he kept whispering to me the funny behind the scenes moments he had. And how the blood actually tasted good because it was made out of  corn syrup.

Every now and then jack would cringe at his acting, or how he looked in some scenes. I would re-assure him, saying that he did really good.

Once the movie was over, we decided to get some dinner. We walked out of the theatres discussing how good the movie was. I brought up how he was lucky to work with Courtney Cox and all these famous celebrities. We decided to take a sky train to the sushi bar. There was only one seat left, so Jack let me sit down, while he stood up. While we were sitting down waiting for our stop, I noticed two drunk teenage boys, speaking really loud and goofing off.

I tried not to make eye contact. I kept looking up at jack and he kept looking back down at me, almost like he was making sure I was okay. A couple minutes later, The two boys spotted me, and began walking over. They slightly stumbled on their way over, clearly because they were drinking.

Jack was scrolling on his phone when all of a sudden one of them put their hand on my shoulder, while the other chugged down the rest of their beer.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I yelled, standing up.

"Calm down pretty lady.." the one who had their hand on my shoulder said.

Immediately, jacks attention switched onto us.

I shoved one of them into a pole, which didn't take much effort because it seemed like they were about to crash anyway.

The other one who had a beer can in their hand began laying hands on me.

"Don't you fucking touch her." Jack yelled from behind.

"And what if I want to, pretty boy?" The boy with the beer can said while grinning.

"Jack, just leave it alone." I said, while gathering my stuff.

Jack turned around, trying to let it go.

"Yeah pretty boy, mind your own business."

The two boys began laughing hysterically. Jack stopped, turned around, and punched one of the boys right in the face.

Gasps filled the sky train.

"JACK!" I yelled.

The sky train came to an end. The doors flung open and I yanked jack by the arm and sprinted out the door.

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