Ocean Blue Eyes

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The next morning, my eyes flutter open to the sound of my ringtone. I huff in annoyance, as I'm forced to sit up and grab my phone. Before I hit the decline button, I looked up at the contact and noticed it was my agent. I answered my phone, trying to sound as awake as possible.

Clearing my throat I said, "Hello?"

"Hi Y/N, this is Sam. I'm calling about the show The Summer I Turned Pretty you auditioned for a couple weeks ago. I'm letting you know,  they really liked your audition, and they want to see you again for a call back—"

"Yes, yes! I'll be there! Sorry... continue"

"It's actually at 2pm today."

"Today!?" I exclaimed.

I quickly check the time to realize that it's currently 12:00 pm, meaning that I have 2 hours to prepare.

"But I don't have any time to memorize? I haven't even looked at the script— I don't even know what to wear, I ran out of my favourite moisturizer— i don't think think I'm gonna get the part, there is no way—"

"Y/N, you will be fine. I know what you can do. It's a short script anyway, and they won't not cast you just because you don't have moisturizer on."

"Thanks, Sam. I really needed that. I should probably start getting ready. Thanks for the call."  I said, hanging up.

I get out of my bed and splash cold water against my face. I speed through my skincare and makeup, and throw on whatever I thought was appropriate for the callback.

I booked an Uber, while still trying to find my favourite pair of sneakers. Unfortunately, I only had time to memorize my script on the Uber drive there.

I arrived at the building, repeatedly going over my lines in my head.

The email Sam forwarded said that the callbacks would be held in the same room I auditioned in.

I go into the building and see a sheet of paper taped next to the elevator saying that callbacks will be held in room 203. The same room I did my audition. I click the elevator call button and step back. I assumed Jack didn't get the part, because so far I haven't seen him.


As I walk in to the elevator, my eyes meet with an unknown boy. He had outgrown dirty blonde curly hair, and bright blue eyes. Our eyes immediately locked, and he gave me a friendly, but natural smile.
"Wow, he's gorgeous," I whispered to myself.

This is what Gavin Casalegno looks like btw.

This is what Gavin Casalegno looks like btw

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"I'm sorry?" He said, tilting his head.

"Oh, oh nothing. Just, um... reciting my lines." I answered, walking into the elevator and flipping up my script.

The boy hits the 6th floor button, and steps back.

"Are you auditioning for Belly?" He asks.

"Yes-yes I am. And, your auditioning for...Conrad?"

"No, actually, Jeremiah."

"Oh well, um, good luck!" I said, trying to break the awkwardness.

"Yeah, you to." He replied.

We stood there, facing the doors, with our shoulders slightly touching. At this point , I was getting major deja vu from the incident with Jack. Speaking of which, im assuming Jack didn't get the callback.


The elevator door slid open, and he gestured with his hand for me to go first. I walk down to room 203, with the boy a couple feet behind me.

I settle in the waiting room, and eagerly wait for my name to be called. 10 minutes goes by, and I'm still sitting there scrolling on titkok.

"Y/N? Your up." A lady, who looks exhausted says.

I spring up out of my chair and follow the lady into one of the rooms.

As I walk in, I make eye contact with the same boy I saw in the elevator.

"You may take a seat right next to Gavin."

So that's the mystery boys name, Gavin.

"We really enjoyed your audition. We just wanted to see you preform a scene with Gavin quickly. To see the chemistry between you two."

We both nod in awkwardness.

"All we need you two to do is run the scene once or twice, just so we can get the idea of the chemistry between you two."

Gavin and I stand up, and face each other. It's clear that we're both uncomfortable.

The lady says, "when your ready."

We both give her a nod, and prepare ourselves for the scene.

"Standing by, action."

5 minutes later

"And, scene." The women says in awe.

"Wow, you two did amazing. Great work you guys."

I give her a big smile and glance back at Gavin. He coincidentally glances back at me too.

Beautiful BoysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora