What are you doing here?

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Part 3 baby! Btw, sorry about how those text messages look in part 1. It must of glitched or something because it didn't look like that when I first published it. Anyways, hope you enjoy part 3!

It was 6:30 on a Saturday morning. I woke up to my annoying ass alarm going off. I didn't even hesitate one second to hit snooze and stay in bed. Today was the day. Today I had a chance to actually begin my acting career. This was a huge deal. It wasn't some silly commercial, or some small role. It was something I have dreamed about ever since I was 11. I told myself that I would take this chance and give in 100%. Not 99, or 96. 100. I took a shower, blow dried my hair, did my curtain bangs, and touched up my face. Next, I put on an appropriate outfit I laid out the night before. And to top things off, I sprayed my favourite Ariana Grande body mist all over myself. I felt confident that I would get this role. This was the one. My Uber would be arriving in less then 6 minutes. I took this time to go over my lines and gather myself together.

I glanced out the window and spotted a grey Tesla pulling up in front of my house.

That's my Uber! I kissed my mom goodbye and sprinted out the door. I then flung myself in the car, said good morning to my Uber driver, and put in my AirPod pros and listened to some music.

7:45 am

I'm outside the building and shaking like a wet dog. I go over my lines one last time in my head before making my way inside. I look to my left and see a sign that says,

"Auditions held in room 203, floor 6."

I take a deep breath and clicked on the button that calls the elevator. The elevator took a couple of seconds, but eventually the doors open. Before I stepped in, I looked up, and couldn't believe my eyes. It was Jack. Jack was standing right there, right in front of me, holding up his script and going over his lines.

"Jack!?" I asked, extremely confused.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"
He looked just as surprised as I did.

"Uh, I could ask you the same question! I'm auditioning for the role of Belly"

"No way, I'm auditioning for Jeremiah!"

I awkwardly stood beside him, our shoulders slightly touching.
I leaned forwards and pressed floor 6.




Is it just me or is this elevator EXTREMELY slow?

"So uh, I didn't know you did acting." Jack randomly stated.

"Yeah, I guess I kinda just forgot to tell you."

I glanced over at him and as he turned his head to me, I quickly looked away, trying not to make it awkward.


"Uh, well, good luck Y/N" he said with a cute little smile.

"Yeah you too Jack!" I answered.

We both took a step forward to exit the elevator.

"Oh sorry, you go first." I gave out a little nervous laugh.

"No no, you go first-"

"You sure?"

He nodded his head and gestured his hand to the exit.

I walked out, quietly saying thank you.

With Jack following not to far behind me, I walked down the haul keeping track of the numbers on the door.


I pushed open the door and held it open for Jack.

I filled out the piece of paper they were handing out asking for my clothing sizes, my agents number, etc.

Now, all I have to do is wait.

I take a seat in a small room with a bunch of other girls that look exactly like me. Same coloured hair, around the same height, and about my age.
I looked up and across the doorway to see jack in the next room, looking right back at me, leaned over with his elbows resting on his knees. I smiled and gave him a mini wave. He takes his phone out and starts messaging me.

You look terrified!
                                                 Wow, so comforting Jack!

                 *Contact name changed to Jack 👍"

Jack 👍
I think I'm up next, wish me luck!

                                                              Your gonna nail it!

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