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Hey guys!!! So, we haven't gotten to the conflict of the story yet, but there will be one soon 😉. sorry if the ending seemed a little bit rushed, I didn't want to keep you guys waiting for too long. This is one of my longest chapters, so I hope you enjoy! 🥰

I sprinted out the door, stopping and turning around to look back at the two boys.

"HEY!" The one still standing yelled.

I flipped them off, and screamed, "Get your head out of your ass, it's not a hat, jerk off!" The doors began to close and I continued running.

We sprinted up the stair case, bumping into a bunch of different people.


"Excuse me!

"My bad!"

We kept running up, passing many groups of people. Jack got pushed to the side causing me to accidentally stumble to the right and bump into a guy holding a hotdog.

"Watch where your going, asshole!" He exclaimed.

"Someone woke up with an attitude," jack quietly said.

I scoffed and continued running, until finally we were out of the train station.

We stood there, slightly bent down with our hands on our knees, panting from all the running we just did.

"Holy shit, I can't believe you did that." I said.

"I can't believe I did that too." He replied, out of breath.

I turned to face him and we made eye contact. A couple seconds later, we both burst into laughter.

"We should get going, we don't wanna miss our reservation."

"Right," I said, beginning to walk.

"Hey, do you wanna like skip sushi and just get a pizza instead?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure if that's what you wanna do. Less money anyway." He said, giving me a reassuring smile.

We walked over to the nearest dominos and ordered a large pepperoni pizza.

As the worker was boxing up our pizza, jack turned to me and asked, "do you wanna go back to my place and eat it there? It's getting kinda dark out."

"Yeah, sure. I wanna see your room!" I said, eagerly.

We paid for our pizza and began heading over. Once we arrived, he unlocked the door, and I was greeted by a women who I assumed was his mother. She had a warm smile that reminded me of jacks. Innocent and reassuring.

"Hi Mrs.Champion, how are you?" I asked, politely.

"I'm good honey, so you must be the Y/N" she said.

"Oh yeah, that's me i guess," I replied.

"Okayyyy mom, we're gonna go upstairs and eat our dinner." Jack interrupted.

"Have fun guys... but not to much fun!" She teased.

As we walked up the tall wooden staircase, I couldn't help but notice Jacks cheeks had turned bright red, as if all the blood had rushed up to his face.

He opened his bedroom door and switched on his light. The first thing I noticed was the shirt I had stained earlier, hanging on his chair. I couldn't
believe he still had that. Their were posters of the Beatles and Kiss hung on his wall. His sheets were dark blue and his back pillows were white. I noticed a bunch of photos of when he was on set for Scream 6 scattered across his room. He also had a TV standing on his dresser.

We sat down crisscross on his bed, each taking a slice of pizza. I could feel our knees slightly touching, but chose to ignore the feeling because we're just friends... right?

"You get your own TV in your bedroom?" I asked, in disbelief.

"Well, I paid for it with the money I made off of scream 6." He said

"Oh, I see. So, how was it like being on set?" I questioned.

"It was really fun, actually. Everyone was so nice, and welcoming. I had a blast."

"Wanna watch an episode of Friends?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, sure!" I replied, taking a bite of my slice.

He turned friends on, and set the remote down on his bed side table.

I was so focused on the TV show, I didn't even realize Jack staring at me.

I looked over at him, to find him looking right back at me.

"What?" I said, while chewing on pizza. I could feel my cheeks starting to get hot and red.

"You have really nice eyes, do you know that?" He said.

"Stoopppp." I answered, in a teasing tone.

I nudged his muscular ass arm, yet we still couldn't break eye contact.

He began smiling, which made my stomach feel like a bunch of butterflies started to attack each other.
Why can't we break eye contact? Why am I getting butterflies for Jack? So many thoughts running through my head, I wasn't even focused on jack anymore.

A big gust of wind flew in through the window, causing me to shiver.

"You look cold, you wanna borrow a hoodie?" Jack asked.

"We'll... I mean if that's like okay with you?"

"Yeah, yeah no problem." He said, walking over to his dresser.

He pulled out a beige essential hoodie, and handed it to me.

"Thanks.." I said, putting the hoodie on.

We finished the pizza, and at this point it was getting kind of late. I decided to lay down in his bed, just for a little bit. I began to close my eyes, only for a couple of seconds. But, every second my eyes were closed, they began to feel heavier, and heavier, and heavier...

Until, I was asleep.

"Y/N...Y/N wake up!"

I quickly sat up, immediately checking the time.

                                   11:46 Pm

"Shit!" I said. Jacks hand was still on my arm from trying to wake me up. I could feel his warmth towering over me.

I looked up at Jack, and he immediately let go of me, as soon as I made eye contact.

"You fell asleep." He said, grinning a little.

"Jack," I said, rubbing my face. "My curfew is at 12:00. I gotta get going!"

"Okay, no problem." He said, helping me up out of bed.

"Thank you so much for today. I really enjoyed it" I said, gathering my stuff.

"I did too." He replied, fixing his curly brown hair.

I went out the door, and headed home. I realized on the bus I completely forgot to give him back his hoodie. I took out my phone and texted him,

I may or may not have stolen your hoodie... sorry! I'll give it back.

Jack 👍
Honestly, it looked better on you then it ever looked on me.

I smiled at the text. Ugh, here comes the butterflies again.

That night, I couldn't stop thinking about Jack. His curly brown hair, his perfect smile, his- oh my god. Do I... no... am I like... crushing over him? I mean I always thought he was cute, but like, I didn't know I had a crush on him? Oh shit... I like Jack.

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