Chapter 10

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My eyes glazed over as I stared at the book laid out in front of me. My head was resting on my hand, and I had to catch myself on several occasions from dropping my head on the table. The professor was perched at the front of the classroom ranting about inner eyes and tea leaves. I stifled a yawn and got up to leave.  Earning a surprised look from Professor what’s-her-name.

                “What is it, Dear? A premonition? An apparition? What did you see?” her voice was eccentric and sounded more like a child daydreaming rather than a teacher. “Is there something you wish to say?” her eyes were hidden behind her large spectacles.  

I felt the corner of my mouth twitch up in a smirk, “The stars are compelling me to go...” I mimicked her voice, including the drifting at the end of my sentence. She seemed curious as if expecting me to say more, but the few students who were still awake snickered. I shifted the books in my arms and wandered slowly between the archway.

“Until we meet again,” said Professor Trelawney faintly, “fair fortune be yours.”

I rolled my eyes and quickened to a normal pace. I had about twenty minutes to kill before the end of the class. I decided to take a walk.

                The sun was hidden, as always, behind a thick white blanket of clouds. I made my way down to the Black Lake; this time I had no intention of jumping into the dark icy water. I laid back on the damp grass and stared up at the clouds. The only sound came from the waves that drifted to the shore. My eyelids drooped with every passing second and it didn’t take more than a few minutes before I was completely asleep.

 A voice purred behind me, but I didn’t have to look at their face to know who it was. Father. A girl sat in front of me with a terrified look marking her face. She sat frozen eyes gawking behind me, it took me a second to realize who she was.

Crucio.” The voice purred again and I winced as the girl let out a blood curdling scream. She fell on her side and held her torso as if by making herself smaller the pain would stop. “Father Stop!” another voice called, this time a small girlish voice. i instantly recognized it as the younger me. The present time me stood in the middle of the scene with my mouth open but no words coming out.   

                My father lifted his finger telling me to be quiet. “You need to watch Allyson.” He spoke with a sickly sweet tone. The present me scrunched up my nose, the younger me sat with a terrified look.

“But father, she didn’t do anything, she didn’t see any-” the young me was cut off with a loud yell escaping my father’s mouth. “Quiet!” he roared, flicking his wand onto the younger me, sending the fragile body back several feet. I took a step forward but my legs locked. My father then turned to the girl again stood over her body, he looked down his nose at the nearly unconscious girl and sneered,

                “Avada Kedavra

He tilted his head to the side with a smirk plastered on his face, before turning to look at the younger me, who had her hands clasped over her mouth, eyes wide with fear. He walked towards her.

                I sat up quickly, panting as I took in my surroundings. I wasn’t in the dark chamber; I was outside, my eyes adjusted to my surroundings. I was by the Black Lake, the sun had set. I rubbed my eyes and wiped the beads of sweat from my forehead. Leaned my weight back on one arm and took deep breaths. It was only a dream. I told myself, getting to my feet moments later.

                I looked up at the castle and frowned, it was probably time for the dinner. I wiped the back of my robe before making my way up to the castle, fighting tears all the way.

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