Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to everyone that reads my story <3

(A/N: Ok. This is my first ever fan fiction so take it easy on me. I've read so many before that i know how this works. If no one reads my story I may or may not keep writing it. I'm going to need some help along the way, so, I am open to all suggestions. I will read all if the comments. All of the caracters (other than the Duck Dynasty crew) are made up by me. Please don't take my ideas. I thought long and hard about this story so I hope you enjoy!!! (Picture of Scarlett on the side)

~Liv <3

***Scarlet's P.O.V.***


"Ugh! Stupid alarm clock!" I exclaimed.

Ew. It's Monday morning. Worst day of the week. Why can't we have school on Saturday and Sunday and then have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off? I slowly untangled myself out of the mess of blankets on my queen sized bed and made my way to my en suite bathroom.

I pulled off my pj's and turned the shower on. I let the hot water droplets run over my naked body before grabbing my coconut shampoo. "Darn I should have put on music." I whispered to myself.

I slowly got off topic that I was still in the shower.

I really do have a great life; I have a mother and father who love eachother and me. Four very overprotective older brothers that love me more than life itself. I am friends with pretty much everyone in my grade. I have plenty of things. I, Scarlett Belliveau have a great-

"SCARLETT MARIE BELLIVEAU! GET OUT OF THE SHOWER THIS INSTANT!" My mother hollered cutting off my thoughts. Oh well.

I jumped out of the shower, the cold air hit me like a brick. "Brrrrrr." I grabbed an orange fluffy towel and wraped it tightly around my body. I walked into my huge walk-in closet and grabbed a pair of blue jeggins, my white RAMONES t-shirt, black combat boots and a long gold chain neclace. I went back to the bathroom put on light makeup and fishtail braided my long blond hair. I grabbed my black messenger bag and my white iPhone 5 and made my way downstairs.

"Good morning everyone!" I said cheerfully.

"Good morning beautiful!" My oldest brother Carter said. Carter is the oldest one of my brothers, he is 18 years old. Next are Tyler and Mason, they're twins, they're 16. And then there is Lucas, he is 15 like me. We arn't twins, just born close to the same time. I love them all so much.

"Hey Sissy, are you going huntin' later?" Mason asked.

"Of course! I'll be there." There is one tiny tiny little thing that I forgot to mesion. I am a huge country girl. I love hunting. It is the best thing in the world. My prized possesion is my camo RANGER. I got it for my 11 birthday. I can ride it just as well as my brothers, if not better.

"Sissy. Your breakfast is getting cold." My mother told me. Sure enough there was my eggs getting cold.

"Crap." I muttered.

I ate my eggs grabbed my coat, kissed my brother and father's cheeks and headed out the door to school. Wow it is really cold. Who am I kidding it is always cold in Nova Scotia. Hence the reason I my family and I go to Florida every year.

I got to school and was immediatly engulfed in a huge hug.

"Hey Lala!" This is my bestfriend, her name is Lauren Adams. Her long red hair bounced in every direction. I love her more than anything, i don't know what I would do without her. She is my rock, my shoulder to cry on, my world pretty much.

"Hey Boo! Sorry i couldn't come over this weekend." She said sheepishly. "I was buy."

"That's fine Lala, I was busy too." Lauren always came to my house on the weekends, being my parents only daughter has it's advantages. *Insert evil laugh*

Lauren and I walked up to our lockers. They were close to eachother, but not as close as we would want them to be.

There in front of my locker is the group of 11th grade guys. Dayum, that is some hot stuff. They are all really hot. Seeing as I'm in 9th grade they probably don't ven know I exist. But now I have an excuse to talk to them. You got this Scarlett, just be cool. I'm always super cool around guys, unlike some girls who make a complet fool of themselfs.

"Excuse me." I said flicking an arm of one of the boys. They all looked at me like I had two heads.

"Can we help you with something?" The guy of who I flicked his arm, I think his name is Tysson.

"Yes you can help me. You and your little group" I gestured to his group. "happen to be leaning on my locker. So would you please move." I answered with a little attitude, well done Scarlett, well done. They looked taken aback from my answered. They didn't move. "Are you going to move or not? I have to get my books." I asked starting to get annoyed. They reluculantly moved to the side so I could get to my locker. I quickly put in my combination, hung up my book bag and grabed my books. I slammed my locker door and was off to my first class. Not before i stoped in front of the group that were still dumbfounded by the fact that they had been told off by a 15 year old girl. "Still dumbfounded by the fact that a 15 year old girl just told you off?" I asked. They stod there motionless. "Pathetic." I muttered.

***Tysson's P.O.V.***

"Still dumbfounded by the fact that a 15 year old girl just told you off?" She asked. Wow she's got some attitude sewn on her. "Pathetic." She muttered, before walking away.

"Who is that?" Chris asked as if he read my mine.

"That my friends is what you call a girl that grew up knowing how to do that. She has four older brothers." Jack replied, how did he know that?

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Well, her brothers are Carter, Tyler, Mason and Lucas Belliveau. She's their only sister, that was probalby just a natural instict of her's." Jack replied.

"I think she's cute." Daniel said, talking for the first time.

"Same." Ryan agreed.

"What the hell?!" Jack exclaimed. "Do you guys know how protective her brothers are?" He asked. Nobody said anything. "You don't do you. Well let me just say that the last time she had a boyfriend, he cheated. She told her brothers and then all hell broke loose." He explained. "There are four of them." He continued.

"Thats enough!" Chris exclaimed. "We don't need to hear more."

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