Chapter 20

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***Scarlett's P.O.V.***

Lala and Reed stood gaping at each other. I felt Cole chuckled quietly beside me. I cleared my throat and they both blushed.

"Well if you'll excuse us, I must be taking Lala to meet everyone." I grinned. Her face lit up.

"Wait! We should probably change first." She said gesturing to our clothes.

"Good idea." I said as we walked up the stairs. "We'll be down in 20!"

"OK! We'll be waitin'." Cole replied. I chuckled and walked into my room to see all of my bags were already on my bed.

I walked into my closet knowing there isn't any warm weather clothes in my bags.

I flipped through the racks and found a nice outfit. A loose, lace, blue tank top, acid wash high waisted shorts, a pretty blue butterfly ring and grey Hollister flip flops. I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail and headed out the door.

"C'mon Lala." I said, knocking on her bedroom door. "We have to go."

"I'm coming! Hold on." She groaned.

"I'll be downstairs, waiting." I sighed.

***Lauren's P.O.V.***

I rummaged through my bags but I couldn't find anything suitable to wear.

"C'mon Lala." Scarlett said knocking on my door. "We have to go."

"I'm coming! Hold on." I groaned.

"I'll be downstairs, waiting." She sighed. I heard her footsteps go down the stairs.

"Ugh!" I exclaimed in exasperation. I peeked my head out of my door and sprinted into Scarlett's room, not wanting anyone to see me in my bra and undies.

Yes that's what I'm wearing at the moment. I undressed before I found something to put on and I was to lazy to put something on before I came out of my room.

I slipped into Scarlett's room and shut the door tight. I turned around and was shocked to see someone in there.

"Omigod!" I exclaimed. "Turn around!" He quickly did as he was told and I lunged forward on the bed and tore the blanket off it.

"I'm so sorry!" Reed exclaimed. "Red sent me up to get her phone."

"It was my fault I probably should have put on some clothes before I came out of my room." I smiled sheepishly. He chuckled. "Now, get out!"

He sprinted out the door with Scarlett's phone in hand. I walked over to her closet and scanned the racks of clothes. I found a pair of neon pink high waisted shorts, a denim button up shirt, pink Hollister flip flops and a nice braided leather headband. I slipped on the clothes, picked up my phone and headed out the door.

***Reed's P.O.V.***

That was really awkward. I practically just saw the most beautiful girl ever naked...

I walked down the stairs and into the living room.  I turned the corner and stopped dead in my tracks.  Scarlett and Cole were making out on the sofa.  I felt a shot of jealousy and anger run through me.  I cleared my throat and they sprung apart and blushed. 

I handed Scarlett her iPhone.  I stood there like a awkward third wheel.  There was a lot of tension in the air.  You would have needed a knife to cut through it.

***Scarlett's P.O.V.***

"Lauren Adams! Get your flat little ass down here!"  I hollered up the stairs.  Reed and Cole chuckled and i heard Lala groan loudly.

"I'm coming!  Don't get your little Victoria Secret undies in a twist!"  She snapped.  I blushed a deep shade of red.  "I can feel your blush."

Lala walked down the stairs, grabbed us all and walked out the door.

"Where are you going?"  I asked. 

"i have no idea."  She shrugged.  "Where do you want to go?"

"Come children.  Come to the backyard with me."  I said in a very deep voice.  They all chuckled and followed me to the Ranger.  "Hop in er'y body."


"Ms. Kay!"  I exclaimed as I walked in the door of their house.  I was blinded by the light.  What is that?  Ohhhhhhhhh.  They must be filming today.  This will be fun.

"Hey!  I've missed you."  She smiled as i bent down to hug her. 

"I missed you too."  I grinned.  "Oh before i forget, this is my best friend Lauren Adams.  She will be staying with us for a while."

"Its nice to meet you sweetheart."  Ms. Kay smiled.

"Its nice to meet you as well."  Lala replied bending down and hugging her. 

We all sat at the counter and we caught up on stuff that went on.  We talked about schools, we talked about church, we talked about Canada- pretty much anything.  Since we have Lala living with us now we will probably go to a private school here in West Monroe or Monroe.

"During our time in Canada mom, Carter, Lauren and I talked about different private schools.  There was one that caught our eye."  I explained.

"Ouacita Christian School.  Have you heard anything about it?"  Lauren asked.  Ms. Kay, Cole and Reed shared a look and then Cole spoke up.

"That's where we go to school."  He grinned.

"No way!"  I exclaimed.  "Its a small world."

"When does school start up again?"  Lala asked to no one in particular.

"This Monday.  'Bout five days."  Reed replied, she nodded.

"Well Lala and i better get going."  I sighed, pushing in my stool.  I hugged Ms. Kay as did Lala.  I quickly pecked Cole's cheek and waved to them all.


Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!  Its been a while since i updated..  Sorry i've been really busy and the wattpad on my phone has sooooooo many glitches its not even f*cking funny.  I've been stressed out with school, teachers, "friends", etc. 

Ill try to update again this weekend but ill update my other stories that you better be reading!!!! 

Country song:  Grandaddy's Gun by, The Bone Collector

~Liv <3

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