Chapter 19

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***Lauren's P.O.V.***

"Well i have some good news that everyone will like." She started. "Lala, you're coming to live with us in Louisiana." My eyes widened. I was speechless.

"What?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"LALA, YOU'RE COMING TO LIVE WITH US!" Scarlett squealed. I felt the ends of my lips curl up into a smile. My smile must have gone from ear to ear.


"Your welcome sweetheart. You're practically family anyway." Scarlett's mother smiled. I opened my arms for her to come hug me. She wrapped her arms around my small body.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you." I whispered. "It's probably the best present someone has ever given me."

"You're very welcome." She answered. She pulled away and everyone was looking at me.

My eyes met a pretty brunette girl. I didn't recognize her. I examined her a little more closely.

That's Sadie Robertson from Duck Dynasty.

Why is she here, in Canada, in my hospital room? Then reality hit me. Scarlett's next door neighbor is Missy and Jase Robertson and her boyfriend is Cole Robertson.

Scarlett must have noticed the confused look on my face, because she spoke up.

"Lala, this is Sadie. Sadie, this is my best friend Lauren." She introduced me.

"Hey." I waved shyly.

"Hey! It's nice to finally meet you." She informed. I smiled warmly.

"When do I get to leave?" I asked no one in particular.

"Tonight." Scarlett's mother replied. I nodded.

"Lala, were gonna have to go into school sometime before you leave." I stated. "How long are you here for?"

"We're here for another week. We'll go not tomorrow, but the next. So, Monday." She replied.

"OK. I've missed you so much." I whispered.

"Me too." She mumbled.

"I'm so exited to go to Louisiana. I honestly cannot thank you enough." I gushed.

"We'll have so much fun." Scarlett smiled.

"It's getting late an we've got an hour drive ahead of us. Lala are you ready?" Scarlett'a mother asked.

"I'm been ready since I woke up." I stated, everyone chuckled. I grinned wide- I just noticed Carter standing in the doorway. I jumped up out of my bed and flung my arms around his neck. He seemed taken back by my actions but soon returned my hug. I buried my head in the crook of his neck.

"I missed you." I whispered. Carter and I had always had a special bond. Of course I loved all the boys but Carter was like my older brother. Seeing as i never had any brothers or sisters, he was my substitute- and i love him.

"I missed you too." He replied. I unwrapped my arms from around his neck and straitened myself out.

"Leggo!" I exclaimed, pointing towards the door. They nodded and Scarlett came to my side. She held her arm out for me to link mine with and i did just that.


Today is the day before we all go back to Louisiana. I've become very close with Sadie, i guess you could say she's my second best friend.

Boo, Sadie and i are currently walking into the doors of my school.

***Scarlett's P.O.V.***

I'm so freaking nervous. I have no idea why I'm nervous to come back to my old school. I just am.

We walked up the stairs and guess who I saw standing in front of my old locker. The same group of grade 11 guys that were there the day i left. It took all my courage to walk up to them. Sadie followed, Lala went to talk to teachers and gather everything up.

"I see you still haven't moved." I smirked. All of their heads turned in my direction and then their eyes widened in surprise.

"Wha- wh- what, are you doing here?" Tysson asked. I grinned wider and i felt his arms go around my waist and pick me up and spin me around.

"Ah! Stop! Put me down!" I squealed.

"It's good to see you again." Chris grinned.

"I am so confused. What are you doing here?" Tysson asked again.

"Did you not here what happened to Lauren Adams?" I whispered. They nodded and then realization washed over their faces.

"She's your best friend, isn't she?" Jack whispered. I nodded.

"Her parents passed and now she's coming to live with me." I felt a lump start up in my throat. I flung my head back and squeezed my eyes shut trying to avoid the tears to come out of my eyes.

"Don't cry Sissy." Sadie conforted me. All the tears went away and I opened my eyes to see five shocked faces.

"Is that?" Daniel asked. Sadie and I chuckled.

"Yes this is Sadie Robertson. Tysson, Daniel, Chris, Jack and Ryan this is Sadie. Sadie this is Chris, Jack, Ryan, Daniel and Tysson." Introduced them to eachother.

"Not to sound rude or anything but what are you doing in Canada with Scarlett?" Ryan asked.

"Well, Scarlett and I are best friends. She moved nextdoor to my cousins Reed, Mia and Cole and their parents Missy and Jase Robertson. She invited me to come to Canada with her." She explained, her thick southern accent making an impression on the five gobsmacked guys in front of us.

"Nice accent." Chris blurted. Sadie blushed and suddenly became very interested in her shoes. I chuckled.

"Well we have to get going. I'll be back sometime." I smiled. They all hugged me one at a time and i walked down the hallway towards my group of friends.


We just got in our car and we are now in Louisiana. Lala is so exited, she's been jittery all day. Its getting annoying.

We get home in no time and I sprint next door. I didn't wait for anyone, i just want to see Cole. I knock on the door twice before someone answers the door.

"Red!" Reed exclaimed. He picked me up and spun me around. "I missed you!"

"I missed you to." I smiled as he set me back on the ground.

"Reed? What's with all the yel-" Cole walked into the room and he stopped in his tracks when he saw me.

I sprinted towards him and flung my arms around his neck. He hugged me tight. I could feel the smile on his lips.

"I missed you so much." He whispered.

"I missed you more." I giggled. "I have a surprise for you."

"Really?" He squinted his eyes at me. I nodded.

"C'mon!" I exclaimed, pulling him towards the door. Before we got to the door i grabbed Reed's wrist as well and pulled them both in my house.

***Reed's P.O.V.***

She pulled us into her house and stopped when we got to the kitchen.

"Lala there are some people I want you to meet." She said, there was no one in the kitchen. Who is she talking to? All of a sudden a petite girl with red hair popped up from behind the counter. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.


Helloooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Last night I got another idea for a new story. I'll probably start i today but I wont be up for maybe a week...

Don't forget to vote, comment, fan meeeeee!!!!!

Country song: Guys Like Me by, Eric Church

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