Chapter 6

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A/N: I left you guys off at a cliffy :) i thank all you all for however reads my story, bless you all lolololol. kk here's to another chappie ;). Thank you Nkieralovesjls you are my first follower :) Only one of my firends know about this book <3 chew Jay (thats why I asked tehehehehehe) :* PEACE OUT HOMIES.

~Liv <3

***Scarlett's P.O.V.***

"What are you doing here?" Tyler asked.


"Oh- um- uh- I was showing them where the bathroom is." I replied a little to quickly.

"Mhhmm." He replied squinting his eyes at us.

"Um, um, um- Yeah." I whispered.

***Sadie's P.O.V.***

I sat there and watched her lie to her own brother. This is sick. This is not going to end well.

***Tyler's P.O.V.***

I don't care that she is having a girl over. In fact I am rather happy, this Sadie girl is gorgeous. It's just that my sister is standing there infront of me lying to my face. These boys better get out of the house before i kick them out.

"Goodnight Sissy, see you in the morning." I said, i am disapointed in her. She's lying to me, and it's sick.

***Cole's P.O.V.***

She's lying to him so we won't get hurt. It makes me want to be sick.

"Goodnight Sissy, see you in the morning." He said, he looked disapointed. He knows that she's lying.

***Scarlett's P.O.V.***

He knows I'm lying. He's disapointed, and it makes me sick to think about it.

"Well, you three should probably go." I whispered gesturing to the boys. They nodded and walked down the steps.

Sadie and I walked into my room, I collapsed onto the bed. I felt a warm tear fall down my cheek.

"Babe it's ok." Sadie said, sitting down next to me.

"No. No. It's not ok. I just stood there and lied to my brothers face. He love's me so much and then I go and lie to him." I whisper shouted. I curled up into a ball and laid my head on a pillow.

The last thing I remember is crying my eyes out before letting darkness take over my body.

***Sadie's P.O.V.***

I watched as she cried herself to sleep. It makes me want to cry with her. But I can't. I have to be strong, for her case. So I texted John Luke.

***John Luke's P.O.V.***

The boys and I decided to spend the night outside in the tent. Considering that was our original plan. My phone beeped.

Yay I have friends! I mentally fist pumped the air.

Never mind, it's Sadie.

From, The Sista: I can't believe I just watched my friend cry herself to sleep...

Wait. What? She cried herself to sleep?

The boys must have seen the shocked expression on my face.

"What's up? It looks like you just witnessed a murder." Cole asked, poking my cheek.

"Boys, Sadie said she watched her cry herself to sleep." I trailed off. They sat there motionless, their faces in pure shock. I snapped out of my trance and texted Sadie back.

To, The Sista: Crap. We'll c u 2morrow.

That's all I remember before falling into a pit of darkness.

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