Chapter 4

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A/N: Eeeeeeeeep!!!! Fourth chapter in a few hours. Holy crap. Yayayayayayay the first chapter with 'The Boy With Camo Pants' in it!!!

Yayayayayayayyayay!!!! Hey do any of you guys know the exact age of- Cole, John Luke, Sadie and Reed Robertson? I'd you do please let me know :) I think I know but I'm not 100% sure. Enjoy!!!!!! (Picture of Lucas on the side>>>>>>)

~Liv <3

***Cole's P.O.V.***

I am completely gob smacked. Holy crap she is gorgeous. Not to be mean but why is she here? Say something you idiot!

"Um. Hey." Was all I could say. Great job idiot. There is a pretty girl at my door and that is all I could say?

***Scarlett's P.O.V.***

"There is a pretty girl at my door and that is all I could say?" He said. I blushed knowing he didn't mean to say that out loud. But he meant to think it...

"Um. Excuse me?" I said.

"I just said that out loud, didn't I?" He asked.

"I guess." I couldn't see it but I could tell that under all of that paint he was blushing.

"Good lord." He muttered, I giggled and he looked back at me. I instantly felt my cheeks got hot.

"Oh. I have something from our family to your's." I said holding up the basket.

"Thank you." He replied.

"Cole, who was at the doo-" Another boy came out of what looked like the kitchen.

"Hey." I smiled at the boy. I had seen him on the show before, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Hey, I'm Reed." Ah yes that's his name.

"Scarlett." I replied. "I am your new neighbor."

***Cole's P.O.V.***

"I am your new neighbor." She replied. I mentally fist pumped the air. Then I realized that my brother here is flirting with this girl.

"So what is your favorite thing to do?" Reed asked.

"Well, I love shopping. Hunting is my passion, best thing ever." She replied, wow, she hunts?

"You hunt?" I asked.

"Of course. My prized positions are my camo RANGER and my bow." She replied.

"That is so cool. Most girls don't like that type of stuff. Well other than shopping." Reed said.

"Well I'm not like most girls." She smirked. I chuckled at her tone of voice. "I better get going. You look busy." She said gesturing to our painted faces. "I'll see you guys later." She smiled, no I don't want her to go!

"Wait!" I exclaimed, great going Cole what are you gonna say now? I mentally face palmed myself. "Um, could I get your number? So we can get together again?" I asked nervously. She giggled and motioned for me to hand her my phone. She typed in her number and then handed her phone to me. I typed in my number and handed it back to her. She quickly took it and waved goodbye to Reed and I.

***Reed's P.O.V.***

I just sat there and watched one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen give my brother her number. Agh! I will not sit here and watch this crap!

See ya later guys." Scarlett smiled and walked out the door.

"She's....... pretty." Cole blurted after he shut the door.

"Yup. You got that right." I replied.

"We better get going." Cole implied. I nodded and we headed out the door to the MULE.

***Scarlett's P.O.V.***

Wow. He asked for my number. And he gave me his. I walked into the house and up the stairs. I opened what I thought was my door, and flopped down on the bed. I let out a sigh and I felt my lips twitch upwards.

"Um. Sissy, why are you on my bed?" Lucas asked, crap, I guess I'm not in my room. "And why are you grinning like and idiot?" He asked. In response I let out another sigh. "Ok tell me who it is. Now. What's his name?" He asked sternly. Crap, he is good. How did he know? All of my brothers are very protective over me, but Lucas is the most.

I got up and left his room. He didn't need to know who I met. I walked into my beautiful room. It has a cream duvet with red pillows, a cream sofa with more red pillows, red walls, hard wood floors, a huge bathroom with red tiles, and I separate bath and shower. I have a walk in closet with shelves and wraps everywhere. Over all my bedroom is amazing.

I walked over to my laptop and clicked the Skype icon. Yes Lala's online!

"Hey Lala!" I exclaimed as her smiling face popped up.

"Boo I miss you so much, please come back!" She wined.

"I'm sorry babe I wish I could but I can't." I replied. "But I have some super great news!" I exclaimed.

"What is it?" She asked eagerly.

"Well my next door neighbor is- drumroll please," I continued. "OMG LALA I'M NEIGHBORS WITH COLE AND REED ROBERTSON AND THEIR FAMILY!" I exclaimed.

"Your what?" She asked her voice barley above a whisper.

"Gurl you heard me, now i don't know about you but if i don't fangirl in the next 3 seconds i am going to explode."

"AHHHHHHH!!!" We chorused.

"Ok that was pretty great. I gotta go Boo, we'll talk soon." She waved goodbye and logged off.

I walked down the stairs and saw my brothers sitting on the sofa watching tv.

Adventure Time.

Go figure.

"You guys are losers." I muttered under my breath. "Where's mom?"

"Back porch." I walked out to the back porch to see mom sitting in the lawn chair with a glass of water.

"Hey momma, what's for supper?" I asked.

"Oh, the Robertson's called and invited us over for diner."

This should be interesting.


Hello everyone!!! It is 1:20am and I'm tiered. I'll update tomorrow- wait I mean later on today. Next chappie will be really good. Promise you'll like it ;3

~Liv <3

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