Chapter 18 - Capture

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"Give me a few minutes." I say to Josh after putting Darcy to bed.

Josh went with me and he told her he was her dad. She was confused at first because of what I previously told her but she took the news in and seemed happy about it from whatever her 5 year old mind could have understood. She even gave him a good night kiss on the cheek.

We were now about to go sleep but I had something on my mind and something to do.

"Where are you going?" He asks, surprised.

"Just outside, I'll be right back." I say, pecking his lips to stop another question from coming out of them and leaving to go downstairs.

I pass a few pack members, smiling at them as they nod their heads at me in respect. Some seem puzzled as to why I'm here again and I don't blame them. It's been hectic recently and I did say I was leaving the pack.

As I step outside, cold air hits my face. I don't know why it's this cold, it's kind of odd actually. It brings an uneasy feeling to me. I take the note and lighter I always carry with me and set fire to it.

I watch as the paper starts shrinking and curling up, turning a dark grey colour as the flames cover it. When it near enough burns me, I drop it into the lake in their yard. Problem solved.

I start walking back into the house but I hear a cracking noise behind me, as if a branch snapped. I instinctively turn back, alert.

"Good evening, Luna." Nods what seems to be a pack member on territory duty. I'm far into the the forest now and around a 5 minute walk to the pack house.

"Good evening." I reply to him, curving my lips up a little and relaxing my stance. The guy catches my attention though. He seems young... Too young to patrol. Usually we get older and more reliable men to do that. I furrow my eyebrows more as I start to think over it.

A hand covers my mouth from behind with something soft and wet, some kind of a sponge I'm guessing. I start struggling right away and elbow the person holding onto me in the rib. I'm released from the pain I caused my attacker but I breathe in the nail polish remover smelling liquid from the sponge by my face and my head starts pounding.

Before I can do anything, I loose orientation of my surroundings and hit the floor, making everything go black.


"You're lucky we still got her, otherwise I would have fired you!" Snaps a voice. It would make me flinch if I had control over my body. My eyelids are still heavy and I can't move.

"She elbowed me in-"

"Shut up!"

Silence fills the room for so long that I start to think whether I passed out again.

"Wake her up." That same voice says in a more irritated and bored tone. I hear foot steps and cold water is poured over me.

I feel fresh and more alive because of it, but at the same time it's a nasty experience. I rub my face, weakly and open my eyes. I scan my surroundings to find myself in an empty room with a window that has bars on it. I look down on my wrists and legs to find them chained to the wall.

I growl. "Seriously?"

I find that same guy I thought was on duty and another looking at me.

"Leave." Orders the guy with a smug expression, crouching beside me. The other man I haven't seen before walks out the door and shuts it, locking it. The sound of the lock is torture.

I pay close attention the guy's features. His face is fresh, looking around the same age as me, maybe Josh's age. He's got ash blonde hair and seems to have a small build yet looks strong at the same time.

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