𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒕?

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𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲

" hey, you know what?" a guy who looked cocky began." you ducks don't belong here at eden hall."

" what?"

" hey, easy, russ. they probably just thought we were someone else." cow boy just started rambling. " um... i'm dwayne. we are the new hockey team. and you are.....?"

a guy slowly put gum into my friends hand, all i did was look at ivy. " varsity. the only hockey team. state champs." the guy who started this conversation kept on talking.

" clearly you're no good if we haven't heard about you." i just stared at him waiting for a response, and obviously that comment didn't make him away. " you know, my little brother lost his J.V slot when they brought you... yo yos in here." and julie didnt hesitate to say something back. "probably wasn't good enough."

he moved closer. "i think something stinks" i pulled a mint from my bag and tried to pass it to him. " want a mint" he gave me a dirty look and ignored me. my bestfriends couldn't help but laugh and ivy couldnt love me more.

" see, thats my dad. hes gonna get the board to revoke your scholarships. just you wait."
" hey smart stuff! im suprised you even knew how to use the term revoke let alone know what it means. high five!" i said sarcasticaly. " thats your dad? nice oufit! did it come with a yacht? " russ made us all laugh at that comment, we could barely keep our laughter in before. they guy who looked like chicken little mocked our laughter.


the board was just yapping on as the other part of the team, did in fact, make an enterance. they ran in and yelling and knocked down the curtains. fits of laughterwent around the room, i coudlnt help but laugh aswell.


" hey, chevk it out. he knows wayne newton." charlie said as he looked at a photo

" charlie, man, this is not a good start to our year." ken was disappointed and embarrased, im pretty sure we all were. in ivys words, a first impression matter the most, and i havent made any good first impressions with anyone yet.

"dont worry, kenny. these prepsters arent gonna do anything to us." but if charlie watched their tapes before we came here, which i did, then he wouldn't of said that. " i dont know charlie, i watched a couple of their tapes and varisty is pretty good.."

" whatever lily... check it out. antsville."

" look at em go. whoa."

buckley stared right through ' antsville', " you can learn a lot from ants.."

"these brazillian fire ants can teach you a lot about successful societal structure. you see theres one queen in there, and the rest are dedicated worker ants.everybody pulls their weight. nobody complains. theres harmony and growth. same here at eden hall. only you are the workers, the backbone."

" and youre the queen?" russ gave attitude to the dean. i tried to get him to cut it out, " no, i am" i said with a proud smile. and me and russngained a few laughs.



i walked into first period and was greeted with an ancient looking lady, i learned the hard way to become a suck up or school wont go to well for you. i smiled and sat down.

" every monday you'll have a practice quiz, every wednesday you'll have a real quiz, every friday you'll have an exam, and everytime i feel like it you'll have a suprise quiz or exam."

school wasnt difficult for me so i wasnt to worried, i just mumbled " whens this women even going to be able to teach us." which earned a small grin from the person sitting beside me: adam banks.

untied laces,, adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now