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I still have my backpack on my shoulders, I notice. I pull it off and remove some bandaids and other first aid stuff from my pockets. pushing books and wrapper around looking for more stuff. I search through the pockets more until I find rubbing alcohol I stole from the nurse. Travis hears the rustling and sits up to see what im doing.

"Lay back down" I tell him, trying to seem calm.

He slowly gets back into the position he was before as I wet a cloth with rubbing alcohol. I can hear him taking deep breaths. I hover the pad over a smaller wound near his bellybutton but pause before I press it down.
I watch as he tenses up, he knows it's going to sting, so, before I start I ask him:

"Do you want something to bite down on or..?"

"I'll be fine just.. be careful.. please" he says, gloomily.

I move the gauze towards his neck area where the cuts aren't as deep. Trying to ease him into the pain, I press down the pad, gently removing blood. He makes sort of a squeal of pain as I clean the wound. I move around his torso, cleaning and bandaging as I can.

Once I finish I realize my face is burning and his is red. I move away to put my supplies back into my bag and search for an ice pack. I guess he has a fever too.I turn back towards him, holding the ice pack and catch him staring. He looks away quickly before saying:

"Thanks for talking but I think you should go home, feel free to come onto the roof with me anytime though, it's sort of nice to have someone to talk to."

"I would be happy to come back, and if he ever does something like this again call me."

"I would but I don't have a phone."

"Well then, let's get you one. Tomorrow is saturday so we can buy you one."

"You would do that?"

"Yeah, sure it's no problem."

"Thank you, Sal."

"I'll do anything i can to help. For now do you want to come to my house and get some rest?"

"I really shouldn't." he says sitting up, rubbing alcohol dripping down his chest. " Maybe another time." he finishes locking eye contact with me, and smiling.

We both climb down the tree, Travis crawls back into his window, pausing before he closed it.

"See you later, Sal." he says, getting cut of by the window closing.

Still holding the ice pack I walk all the way back to the apartments.

Rooftop /SALVIS / TWWWhere stories live. Discover now