the end

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I get home from school that day to see my father in the doorway, something is up. He has a small item in his hand, I can't see until I get closer.
"Travis. What is this?" He holds up my phone. MY phone.
I stop dead in my tracks, Shit. Shit. Shit! Shit! SHIT! I think to myself as Kenneth closes the door behind me. In his other hand is a photo of me and Sal at school, my head on his shoulder. My heart sinks as I drop my school backpack. My first instinct is to run, with my bag off my shoulder I turn towards the door I just came in and sprint for it, i'm met with my fathers fist moving me towards the wall.
"You fucking fag you think god will forgive you for this?! You are nothing, NOTHING, but a fucking faggot. You think you can just DISOBEY me and get away with it?!" He smashes into me as my face meets the picture frame shattering the glass to the floor around me. I feel a splitting pain in the back of my head. Suddenly everything is fuzzy, I can see my father unbuckling his belt as I fade from conscious to unconscious. The only thing I can think to myself is
"this is it."
Thoughts rushing through my head, I feel anger pooling in my throat.
"God will never forgive you for your stupid fucking cult! Just drop dead!" I cry as his belt meets my face again.

I wake up in the basement at night surrounded by pools of blood, i can feel sharp pain all over my body. I immediately start to sob, i've never felt this much pain in my life. I can't move, it's to dark down here. I try to crawl towards the door unsuccessfully, too much pain in the rest of my body. I think he broke me, I don't think i'll get out of this. Panic rises over me, I can still feel blood dripping down my face and chest. I can taste it I can see it. My breath is short and quick. I manage to turn my head and look around the basement hoping Kenneth left the phone around somewhere so I can call for help. I can feel everything sink to hopelessness as i see the shattered device next to me, glass shards covered in blood. No matter how much pain i'm in I push toward it. Maybe it still works, I have to get out of this alive. I press the screen, glass cutting open my finger fast. It turns on to my delight. I open my phone and call Sal.
"Please pick up, please." I say between huffs of breaths. Feeling my lungs collapsing in on me I don't feel I can speak anymore, it's to painful. My stomach hurts the most, burning pain is erupting from there. I look down and see my stomach open, blood pooling out like water. Sal picks up in my last few breaths of consciousness as my words to him are..
"Please," I spit out blood before continuing "i need... you " I don't finish as everything fades.

I pick up the phone and hear the faint whisper of Travis begging for help. Something is really wrong, he hasn't called me before. I stand up from where I was sitting with Larry and run, i run as fast as my legs can carry me. I hear Larry shouting behind me but I don't care. If Travis' dad knew about his phone is that why he called? I feel the cool fall air against my face, I didn't even put on my prosthetic. I have to save him. I take turns and windy roads with palm tree's, running the whole time. My whole body feels like it's tearing apart from the inside out. I tried talking to Travis on the phone i was still carrying. At this point crying out to him. After what feels like hours I see the church in the distance. Dark brown and boring as always. Gasping for air I push to the front door, feeling lightheaded. Knowing his dad he won't let me in so I continue to run to the back of his house and up the tree faster than ever before. Even with his window closed I keep punching the panes until it burst's. Blood dripping down my hands, I climb into the room. It's dark so I search in panic for a light. I give up after a few second and sprint down the stairs, hearing yelling from his father. I meet him at the last step and push him aside. He's drunk out of his mind so it isn't to hard to push him off balance. Then it hits me, I don't know where he his. His Father still stumbling like the drunk bastard he is, I grab his collar and scream at him.
"Where the fuck is he?!" I pause to catch my breath. "I know everything, you bitch!! Just tell me for fucks sake!" I say, tears running down my face at this point. I've only known him for a short while, and I care so much.
"Who the hell are you?!" he says stumbling on his words.
I push him away and run around the house looking for something, anything. By the front door I see a small pool of blood, a short trail leading to an open door. I push my aching body to walk down the steps. I'm too scared to run, when I reach the bottom It too dark to see anything so I search for a light source, still shaking and panicked. I stumble over something so I pull out my phone flashlight as I cannot find anything else. When I turn it on my face drains with horror. Travis. Cold and limp still holding his shattered phone, open on my number. Puddles of blood spill from his body, seeping into the ground and my shoes. I collapse to my knees and crawl towards him. Phone still open on my contact, I stop.
'My boyfriend'
I shake my head out of it, I have to make sure he's okay.
"Travis? Travis!?"
My fingers reach towards his wrist to check, please, dear god, please. I press and wait.

No pulse.

That was years ago, Now i'm standing above a rock with the name "Travis Phelps' ' etched on it. That day, his father killed him. That son of a bitch, beat him to death. It was labeled as a freak accident, but I knew. That day if I had checked my phone earlier, if I couldve walked him home. Maybe, just maybe, he would still be alive. The boy I couldn't save all that time ago, the boy I started to love, is now 6 feet below me. Cross on his grave, left alone to rot in this horrible town.
I'm sorry that I didn't pick up your call fast enough that day, i'm sorry that even when I got there all I saw was your limp body in a pool of blood on the ground, eyes still open, lifeless. I'm sorry that, on the day you saw my face without the prosthetic i didn't tell you how happy I was you didn't look away, and i'm sorry that even years later standing above this stupid rock I can't stop crying for you.
As another tear lands on the grass in front of me all I wish that I could see his face again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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