lets see if i know how to write a kiss scene (#we love consent)

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"Travis, can I kiss you?" The words lingered in the air before I covered my mouth with my palms, realizing what I said.
My face warms to a violent red ad Travis processes the sentence. His eyes widen as his face also turns a similar shade of red. For a moment he said nothing before one simple word.
"I-" I start "I'm sorry I don't know where that came from! It just kind of came out and-"
"No, no! It's fine..." He states before pausing leaving room for him to continue his sentence, though he's clearly hesitant.
"If you want.."
"If I want-?"
"To kiss me."
My facial expression changes from embarrassment to shock. My dad was right? He DOES like me? Or is this just some sort of experiment. Does he actually like me? My mind is racing before deciding even if he doesn't like me this is my chance.
I get out of my cross legged position and adjust to sitting on my knees, moving closer to Travis. He takes a moment to move to his knees as well and stops just inches in front of me. This is the closest we have been to each other since the school.
The night is illuminating the rooftop just enough to see Travis. The moon leaves a blue tone to his darkened features.
I pick up my hand, careful to wipe off any gravel onto my jeans, and lift it towards his face. I press my palm to his cheek, cupping his face, how he did when he first saw my face without the mask. He pulls his hand off the ground and places it on mine and relaxes into our hands.
This is my chance. I've never been so filled with anxiety before, I have never kissed anyone.
Ignoring all the fear I feel I lean in first, trying not to awkwardly close my eyes to early. Travis shifts and closes his eyes, then I close mine too.
It isn't long before our lips meet as we were inches away from each other. Using my hand on his face we finally kiss. His lips are warm despite the growing colder fall night. The first kiss isn't very long, our noses brush against each other in the moment. Though, when I begin to pull away, my hand and face, Travis scoots closer. At first he doesn't kiss me, he tucks a blue strand of hair sticking out behind my pierced ear.
"Sal, I've liked you for a really long time."
"I- What?! You have??"
"Yeah, it took me a couple years to really understand how I felt."
"I'm glad.."
"Can- Can we do it again?"
I nod my head, thoughts still parading around my head. He does! He does like me, for a while even. I didn't know how much I liked him until I actually became friends with him.
Travis moves first this time, quicker and unexpected.
He is more determined this time, our lips meet fast. Eyes closed I reach behind Travis' head and place my hand there allowing me to pull him closer. Our lips open and part like we are talking while we are embraced. Just as quickly as it started it's over.
Travis doesn't pull far away, he rests his head on my shoulder and wraps his arms around my hips, hugging me. I pull him close and wrap around his back, causing us to fall backward on top of each other. Travis on me, giggling, me, still in his hug also laughing. And we lay there, with each other laughing while the wind blows leaves around us.

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