The phone

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Travis pov:
I used to be such a horrible person towards others, outing what Kenneth said to me. I called people slurs,pushed them in the hallways and stole lunch money like a classic bully, I know there's no way to entirely make up what happened freshman year but I hope that at least Sal knows i've changed. Seeing him with his friends, taking care of eachother. Ashley cleaning Sal's face after I had punched him made me realize what Kenneth was doing wasn't normal. I didn't see other kids come to school with black eyes or fresh cuts on their face, I saw their dads wish them a good day after dropping them off. Seeing that made me realize I was becoming him, and I will never, ever, be like my "father".
Waking up looking at the sky, feeling the beer I had sync in, I felt hopeless. I drank to feel something other than the physical pain caused by my father. Sitting up swiftly I see pools of vomit around me as I look up to realize it's early morning. Shit, my dad is usually up by now. With my head pounding and saliva and vomit dripping down my face I move towards the edge of the roof. I look around and realize Sal must have left. Honestly if I wasn't hungover that would've crushed me. He had just seen me on the roof and left me there.
As I get to the edge of the roof I feel something in my sweatpants pocket start to slip out. I hear something square and solid land on the roof next to me, I manage to grab It before it slides down the roof onto the ground below. It's the phone Sal mentioned. I have never used a phone so I don't know how to turn it on. I notice it has four buttons, I click the button at the bottom of the screen which makes the screen light up. So far, I see two messages from someone i'm assuming is sal considering the name above the message reads "Sal Fisher".
"hey, r u awake? srry 4 leaving u like that"
Is this the way he messages people? It's so informal, but fun to decode. I manage to open the phone into the messages between me and Sal.
"Hello, Yes I am awake. Don't worry, It's quite alright." I respond.
It takes me a while to learn where each letter is on the little screen. After no response for a few minutes I put the device back into my pants as I climb into my window. It looks like my dad is out, meaning I got lucky. I look around my bare room in search of a hiding spot for the little thing. I know that the carpet rolls up in the left corner of my room so I head there hoping to find enough room. I lift up the carpet and sadly enough it's just hardwood underneath. I think for a second as of what to do when I decide to test if the floorboard will move. I can hear a cracking noise as the floor lifts up to reveal an empty space. I put the phone in it before sealing the hole again. Shoving the carpet back into place I leave my room. I only do this when Kenneth isnt home. I get to the bathroom and stumble to the mirror, my head is still pounding. I make eye contact with myself. My hair is a dirty blonde, it used to be yellow before I learned how to dye it. There's blood dripping down my face alone with vomit and spit.
I cup my hands under the sink and splash my face with water, over and over until I don't feel dirty anymore. I should take a shower but father would notice my hair and the tub being wet.
I head back to my room and shut the door hearing Kenneth pull into the driveway.

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