Waking up

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When i do eventually get back inside after leaving Sallyface I lay on my mattress. All I can do is replay the night, the boy i have wanted to befriend for my wrongdoings for so long was at my house. We talked like normal people, where i didn't feel weighed down by my dad. The more I think about him the redder my face gets. I pull my knees close to my chest. I'm going to be restless tomorrow knowing i might see him. There's no way my dad would let me leave the house on a weekend unless it's for church. Maybe he puts me in the basement again and Sal thinks i'm ignoring him.

I fall asleep to these thoughts.


I wake up sweating despite being shirtless. I closed my window last night so no cold air got in. I sit up and look out my window where Sal was the night before. The sun is rising so i must have not gotten a lot of sleep. I crawl off my mattress it creaking as I do so. I walk over to where I tossed my bloodied shirt last night. I have a bottle of water in my room so I can keep my clothes clean. I spent a while trying to get the blood off of my shirt. I get some of it off but not all, I waited to long to get it off that easily. I'm still scrubbing at the shirt when my father opens the door. My heart race instantly picks up as I turn to him

"Have you learned your lesson, boy?" He says in a booming voice.

"Yes, father. I will never sin again, as I ask god for forgiveness." I say trying to sound sincere.

"Better." he quiets down and speaks to himself while closing my door.

I have stopped trying to fight against him, in his eyes I will always be a sinner. Something to express his anger towards when he is drunk or bored. If my father wasn't friends with all the police officers in Nockfell he would've been in jail by now. Almost everyone has heard the rumor through my school. With me showing up bloodied and bruised it was just assumed, but no one could do anything.

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