what's wrong.

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TW: fluff crying 

nicks Pov

today was supposed to be great because my boyfriend was coming over for the first time in a week.

but today was the opposite of great it was the worst day I've had in months; it seems like everything is going wrong.

first, I spiled dr. pepper all over my white long sleeve, second, I was editing, and my computer died, and I lost all my progress.

then I had to redo that, and we had to film a video and I almost threw up because we were eating weird food combinations.

then I decided to take a shower to clear my head but with my luck today both matt and Chris took a shower and used all the hot water

so, I was forced to take an uncomfortable cold shower and my breaking point was when I realized all of the hoodies, I stole from my boyfriend dint smell like him anymore.

so, I laid on my bed and cried until Max came over like we planned yesterday.

I immediately opened the door bringing him into a tight hug which startled him because I never do that immediately.

but he hugs back "hey what's up?" he asks "nothing I'm just excited to see you" I lie, well I am excited to see him the lie was 'nothing' like I said today was horrible.

we hung out for a while until we went upstairs to go to bed, while he was showering i started to relive today which made me cry more.

 I honestly just needed a hug; I knock on the door and Max mumble 'come in' he was brushing his teeth when I walked in the bathroom.

"Max?" I whispered he spit out the toothpaste from his mouth and looked at me, when he saw what I looked like he frowned walking over to me. 

my face was red and puffy, I had teary eyes and there were tears on the hoodie I was wearing "what's wrong love?" he asked cupping my cheeks.

"I need a hug" I mumble holding my arms out for a hug "oh bub" he sighs and embraces me in a tight hug one hand drawing shapes on my back the other playing with my hair.

I cling to him and cry into his chest he doesn't mind though. 

after a while he bring me into my room and sits on the bed and he pats his lap for me to sit on, I compile and straddle his lap.

"Tell me what's wrong love" he says wiping my tears with the pads of his thumbs.

"Well first I spill dropper on my white long sleeve I edited the entire video and lost all my progress and had to redo it " I take a deep breath, so I don't cry again.

" I almost threw up eating wired food combos for a video then I went to take a nice shower, but matt and Chris used all the hot water, and I was forced to take a cold shower."

"And on top of that I went to get a hoodie and all of your ones don't smell like you anymore" my voice got Quiter the more I talked.

"Aww love" he replies softly pulling me into a hug "why didn't you tell me?" he whispers in my ear.

"You were busy I didn't want to bother you" I mumble "you never bother me, and I can never be too busy for you love your more important that recording a song" he reassures me. 

then he scoots down so he's on his back and I'm in between his legs with my head on his chest. 

Max's Pov

"Ok how about this next time you come to my place you can bring the hoodies that you take and swap them out for new ones, ok?" I say to him.

he looks up and smiles "really!?" he asks not believing me "of course!" I kiss his head and he squeeze me tight.

"I love you" he mumbles " I love you more" I replied turning on a movie halfway through I notice him fighting sleep I sigh "if you're tired sleep bub you need rest" I say turning his face toward me.

"But then you'll be alone" he mumbles "hey its ok I'm tired anyway" I say turning off the light "get some sleep please" I say kissing the top of his head.

"Goodnight love" "good night max" he mumbles back a few minutes later I hear soft snore coming from his mouth.

I sigh and hug him tight and falling asleep myself.

bad days can turn into great ones.

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