Chapter 3

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- Harry -

Once he'd made up his mind, he wondered why it had taken him so long to decide in the first place. He'd get a flat in Hogsmeade, stay out of everyone's way, focus on his studies, and simply see what happened. He wasn't particularly excited about school, at least not the way that Hermione was, but he was looking forward to having a sense of purpose again. School made sense in a way that the rest of the world did not. He'd learned that the hard way. They all had.

He still didn't know whether he would return to Quidditch or not. Part of him missed the rush, the wind whipping by, how the world fell away as he focused all his attention and energy on the game... But that was Past Harry, and he was now Present Harry, he had honestly had no idea how much overlap there was between the two. He was pretty sure both Harrys liked flying well enough, but he would be able to fly on his own now... the ability to live on his own was admittedly an enormous appeal in this whole situation.

He reached out to a few landlords and was promptly disappointed by the responses he received: The Famous Harry Potter, war hero, staying in my apartment during his brave and triumphant return to school!? Why of course, your most excellent exalted Chosen One. It was almost enough to make him rethink the whole thing when Hermione pointed out that he should try Aberforth. So, a bit reluctantly, Harry wrote and asked if he would be able to rent a room at the Hog's Head, preferably one with some sort of kitchenette and as much discretion as possible. Unfortunately (or fortunately– he supposed it depended on how one looked at it), Aberforth responded with a typically curt reply that he could arrange such a thing for a reasonable price and would Harry like a one-bedroom or two?

Harry's initial response was a one-bedroom, and he was about to dash off a letter of confirmation (and thanks) when something inside stopped him. Hermione would staying in the dorms, not by choice, but out of necessity. Harry still didn't know whether or not Ron would be returning to school, but if he was, he was almost certain to dorm as well. And then there was the reality that having Hermione for a roommate was undoubtedly a good thing– true, Harry was still living off cereal and his room was still a horrid mess– but having her around provided him with the motivation to do things like dress and shower. It felt embarrassingly ridiculous in hindsight, but there were so many times that summer when he didn't even bother because what's the point? So he sent off a reply with a request for two bedrooms and went to go find Hermione.

She was seated at the kitchen table, buried in one of their new schoolbooks.

"Hey– er, Hermione?"

"Mm?" she said, not quite looking up, but not quite ignoring him either.

"Aberforth wrote me back. He said yes," Harry said, trying to figure out how best to tell her what he'd done. He figured she could always decline and then he would just have two rooms– what he would do with two, he had no idea, but he could figure that out when and if he got there.

"Oh, that's wonderful, Harry, I'm so glad it was able to work out. How is he doing these days? What else did he say?" she asked, attentive now.

"Not a whole lot. You know him, never much for words," Harry replied, trying to sounds casual."But he offered me a two-bedroom flat. I already took his offer, just sent the owl now. You interested in the second room?" He knew she was, but he also knew she would never ask. She might, however, accept an invitation.

"Harry– you know I can't afford– I can't ask that of you–" she flustered, torn between gratitude and annoyance.

"You're not asking— I'm offering! Aberforth said he could arrange a two-bedroom flat for me and I said okay. I have no need for the second room, though, so it's yours if you're interested."

Hermione looked suspicious, but decided not to argue. Harry knew the dormitories had been the one thing about returning to school that she hadn't been looking forward to.

"I'm getting a job in the village," she said finally, "You're not paying for my room and board."

"I'm not," Harry said, "I'm paying for my room and board. Which includes a second bedroom that I have no need for."

"I can see if Honeyduke's is interested in some weekend help..." Hermione mused to herself, "They always have help wanted signs..."

"Don't work yourself to death," Harry said dryly. "What a shame, surviving a whole ass war just to die from overwork in the sweet shop..."

The corners of Hermione's mouth twitched as she gave him a look torn between exasperation and laughter.

"Thank you, Harry," she said suddenly, changing courses. "No really, it's more that I can ask of anyone–"

"Yea, we're family, though, at this point, aren't we?" Harry replied. She nodded in response, tears forming in her eyes, and they sat in silence for a moment.

"Ron's going back," she said at last, looking down at the table. "He wrote me the other day."

"Did he say if he's dorming?"

Hermione just nodded.

"I don't know what happened, Harry..." she said, her voice shaking, "After everything we've been through... and then my parents... I don't know... we just..."

"Fell apart," Harry finished. He felt the same way about Ginny. He wasn't sure which was worse– the falling apart or the guilt of knowing it was his fault. He had been the one who drifted away from her. It may or may not have cost him his friendship with Ron, and the fact that he and Hermione were now living together was probably just rubbing salt in the wound. After everything the Weasleys had sacrificed and done for him... this what he gives them in the end? He felt like a horrible person.

Well, he was a horrible person. He'd done horrible things, he'd seen horrible things, had horrible things done to him. How does one come out of all of that and not become a horrible person??

"It'll be okay," Hermione sniffled at his side, "You'll see... we all just need some more time... Wounds heal, people forgive one another..."

Harry wished it could be true.

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