Chapter 22

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It wasn't much, but it mattered.

Draco (and Granger) had to go to their next class while Potter and Weasley had to go to theirs, but the fact that Harry wasn't pushing him away in his friends' presence somehow seemed significant. Draco didn't say much (he didn't say anything, actually), but Granger didn't seem fazed by it and spent a good amount of time going on about Holmberg's lesson with Harry while Weasley listened in with an expression that said he was frequently subjected to these conversations. Then Granger took off for Arithmancy, leaving Draco with Potter and Weasley.

"See you after class?" Potter invited.

Is that nervousness I detect, Potter? Do I make you nervous?? Draco smirked inside.

"Sure," he replied, "Meet me at the gate."

"Okay," Potter grinned before taking a slightly surprised-looking Weasley down towards the greenhouses while Draco headed up to Arithmancy. Granger was sitting in her usual spot in class and giving off no impression that there was any invitation to join her. But as Draco took his own place in the corner, she gave him the faintest of smiles. Just an acknowledgement, really, but he knew what it meant.

She knows.

What's there to know about?

You're friends with Potter, now, idiot. That's huge.

Are you friends, though?

Yes. Shut up.

It was annoyingly difficult to concentrate today, but Malfoy was well versed in forcing himself to excel in school regardless of his personal situation. Even when he was with Andor, only his homework had suffered, not his actual work in class. Still, the fact that Potter openly offered to meet with him for lunch had him counting down minutes... Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Vector gave out their homework assignment and dismissed class. Trying not to look or act too eager, Draco got up and headed down to the school gates. He could feel Granger's bemused expression watching him go, but he was beyond caring. He strode across the lawn, too happy to care about his doomed budget (problem for Future Draco, not present Draco!) and waited in the cold. There was a gentle sprinkling of snow, not quite enough to build up on the ground but enough for Draco to wish he'd been better prepared. No Potter yet, though.

Well. What did you expect? You're a Malfoy. Draco turned and leaned against the gate, watching the snow melt as it hit the ground.

"Hey!" Potter came up behind him, "Sorry, Sprout let us out late... well, sort of, you remember how she is, she technically let us out on time except that we all had to clean up afterwards..."

"Hey," Draco said, hoping his relief wasn't too obvious, "No, it's fine. Want to walk or apparate?" Please say apparate. It's freezing.

"Apparate," Potter said, "Come on," and he offered his hand.

It'll be easier if you do this together.

Potter just offered you his hand.

It's not like that, it's just more practical to do it together...

Forcing his inner dialogue to shut up, Draco took Harry's hand.

"Damn," Harry said as he wrapped his warm hand around Draco's cold one, "Yea, we're apparating."

They appeared in the village moments later. The snow seemed to decide it was ready to commit now, and was beginning to stick on the trees and rooftops. Harry led the way into a different restaurant (someplace nicer, Draco noted, and once again felt the pressure on his depleting wallet), but once they entered the place, it became apparent why Harry had chosen this particular spot. They got a small table in front of the roaring fire, and Draco smirked with pride watching Harry utilize his position as 'Chosen One' to secure it. Well done, Potter. If society is going to place this stupid expectation on your shoulders, go ahead and make the most of it.

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