Chapter 5

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2nd September


I am thrilled to learn of your decision to complete your education. My only wish is that you had made up your mind sooner, so you could tell your doting family before you left. Imagine the horror of waking up to discover your only son had disappeared into the night! Fortunately, there are many for whom the Malfoy name still commands respect, and we have arranged a flat for you with a friend of your father's. He has a daughter, Astoria, who we all hope you will get to know a little better this year. Lovely girl from a good family. After all, what's bred in the bone comes out in the flesh.

Please write back soon. A mother worries for her only son. A fledgling may fly far from the nest, but no matter where he goes, he will always be an eagle.

Your loving mother,


2nd September


Thank you for your concern. I have already found my own accommodation, so there is no need to intrude upon the Greengrass family. I am well and looking forward to completing my studies.

Your son,


Draco folded up his response and sent Merlin off into the early morning light. He would, under no circumstances, accept any "help" from his family. He'd learned long ago that a Malfoy will always deliver what is due, and the sooner he rid himself of any and all entanglement, money or otherwise, the better off he would be. Hoping it was still too early for Potter (or Granger– mostly Potter, though) to be up, Draco marched downstairs and told the innkeeper he was staying for the rest of the term and would pay upfront whatever was due. He was in the middle of deciding whether to go to school for breakfast or find something in the village when someone spoke up at his side.


It was the same stranger from last night. Dark eyes– thoughtful eyes– and long, dark hair that didn't seem to know whether it wanted to be curly or straight.

"Morning," Draco replied. Maybe breakfast in the village would be a good idea after all.

"You're up early," the man observed. He had a musical voice with a soft, rolling accent. "Everything alright?"

"What's it to you?" Draco asked, bordering on a defensive sneer. The problem with being a Malfoy is that everyone either wants something from you or thinks you want something from them. The man, however, merely chuckled.

"Apologies. Please, allow me to introduce myself. The name is Markos. Andor Markos," he held out his hand in greeting. Draco shook it.

"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." Draco waited for the inevitable reaction to his surname, but Markos just looked on.

"I was going for a coffee," he invited, "Care to join?"

What does Draco Malfoy want? Draco Malfoy wants to live his own life and make his own choices. And damn it all, Draco Malfoy suddenly very much wants an espresso.

"Sure," he found himself saying, "Just a coffee. I have other engagements this morning." Like school. He wondered how old Markos was.

"I do, too. Just coffee then," Markos led the way out of the inn and down a street. "What brings you to Hogsmeade, if I may be so bold as to ask."

"That depends on what brings you to Hogsmede," Draco deferred smoothly, as only a Malfoy could. Markos merely smiled again, looking both interested and amused.

"The change of scenery," he shrugged, "Good place to write."

"Change of scenery from where?" Draco asked. If anyone could recognize someone trying to escape, it would be a Malfoy. Or at least, this Malfoy.

"Nothing gets past you, does it?" Markos smiled, "No, I'm a writer. I was in London before this, and Budapest before that, but found it all too busy. Too loud. It's quieter up here."

"What do you write?"

"Novels. This is my first in English, though."

"I see. What's it about?"

"Not ready, yet, friend," Markos smiled again. Always a mischievous smile, Draco noticed, youthful despite Markos probably being a few years older than him at the very least. A writer. That explains a lot.

They entered the cafe and approached the counter. "Black espresso please," Markos ordered, "And for my friend..." he gestured to Draco.

"Same," Draco said, reaching into his pocket, but Markos gently pushed his hand aside. Draco shivered at the touch.

"No, no, I've got this," Markos said, laying some galleons on the counter.

"This time," Draco replied smoothly. A Malfoy always delivers what is due.

"This time," Markos smiled again, picking up the first cup and handing it to Draco before taking the second one for himself. "Here's to new friends."

"New friends," Draco echoed, feeling a bit childish now. True, Andor Markos was at least a few years older, but his mannerisms were sophisticated enough to match and exceed even the most cultured Malfoy.

"I'm sorry, I must be going now," Markos apologized, "But thank you for the company. I hope we get to do it again sometime, hopefully sooner rather than–"

Oh for the love of–

"What the hell, Potter!?" Draco fumed. Seriously, who just walks straight into someone!?

"Friend of yours?" Markos asked, taking out his wand and cleaning the coffee off his robes.

"Acquaintance," Potter spoke up, taking out his own wand. "Sorry, mate..."

"No harm, no foul," Markos said, looking curiously between the two of them. Draco had never wanted to hex Potter more, but figured that wouldn't be the best course of action in the doorway to a coffee shop, so he settled for handing his espresso over to Markos.

"Apologies on behalf of my ... acquaintance," he said, "Take mine, I can get another."

"Next one's still on me, then," Markos smiled courteously. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. Potter. See you around."

"Who the hell is that?" Potter asked, annoyed.

"New friend. What's it to you?"

"Nothing. What were you drinking? Let me get it for you, seeing as I just lost you your coffee..."

"Sod off, Potter," Draco turned and marched out the door.

There better be coffee at the school...

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