Chapter 54

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"Hey," Weasley's voice was soft and low, barely audible above the general clamor of the room as he called Draco aside, "Ginny says you're living together now.... How's he doing?" Weasley nodded over towards Harry. "We all know he puts up a good front. How's he really doing, though, like when he thinks no one's looking?"

"Better," Draco nodded carefully, "Ginny was right, the war isn't over, not for him anyway." Not for me, either. Is this why it works? Because we can be broken together?

Weasley merely looked on, so Draco continued. Harry really did seem better, or at least better compared to the Harry by the lake all those months ago, staring into dark and empty spaces, unable to talk or move or smile... Draco knew those feelings all too well. It had been devastating to see them on Harry. Was Harry doing better now? What does "better" even mean? Who knows? But somehow, by some miracle, the fire was returning to Harry's eyes– a different fire, much more subdued than before. Younger Harry had a passionate blaze about him, so fearless that it bordered on careless, while this new fire was more like a glowing ember, building slowly and steadily. The whole conversation was so deeply personal that for a fleeting moment, Draco feared he would drop dead right then and there. Why would he share these things with Weasley of all people??? What the hell was wrong with him??

But Weasley merely nodded, processing this information, glancing over at Harry before turning back to Draco.

"It's been so hard," Weasley said at last, sounding sad, "For all of us. It was like none of us could reach him. It's awful... sitting by, watching your best friend disappear and you want help– you'd give anything to be able to help– but you just have no idea what to do and everyone you know is struggling... But Ginny's right. You're good for each other. I was there in the beginning, when you guys first got together. It was the first time I'd seen him smile in ages... You too, actually. Sorry mate. I was out of line."

For the second time that year, Weasley held out his hand out to Draco, only now it was a gesture of confidence rather than reluctance. Draco took it and shook, looking Weasley in the eyes, not with the condescending Malfoy sneer he'd perfected so long ago, but an earnest attempt to show Harry's best friend that it was time to put the past in the past and start again. Draco doubted they would ever grow as close as he and Hermione had managed to become, but if this year had taught him anything, it was that no matter how much you think you know, life always finds a way to throw the unexpected at you.

"Alright, everybody out!" Medlar's voice brought them swiftly back to reality, "Come on now, Mister Potter needs his rest, let's go!"

Her announcement was followed immediately by some minor grumbling which quickly turned into get-well-soons and promises to take extra notes in class if Harry wasn't back by Monday. Medlar pushed everyone out the door, giving Draco strict instructions not to overexert Harry in any way and that she would know if he did; Sachi gave a quick, reassuring smile and Draco was alone with Harry once more.

"How did it go?" Draco ventured, taking the chair at Harry's bedside. "I'm so sorry. About Lucius. And everything else..."

"What? Why? None of this was your fault," Harry said, "I'm the one who couldn't... I don't know, just walk down to the stupid fireplace..."

"It was my fucking father who–"

"Look, it's me and it's you," Harry interrupted, taking Draco's hand in his, "If we start trying to figure out whose life is more fucked up or whose fault something is, we're going to be here forever. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that we're together, and better yet, we're safe. Everyone we care about is safe too. Okay?"

Draco didn't trust himself to talk without crying again, so he simply nodded as the silence settled in around them. He stroked Harry's hand absently with his thumb, struck by how warm Harry was, even now– the hospital was too cold for Draco's liking, but Harry seemed unbothered by it.

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