Chapter 43

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A tentative sort of peace crept in over the following days: Harry and Hermione went to school in the morning while Draco headed to work; Harry came back in the afternoon and caught Draco up while evenings were dedicated to Hermione going over Arithmancy and (a bit to Harry's annoyance) anything she or Draco felt that Harry missed from earlier. Slowly, the nightmares receded. Slowly, the comfort of routine began to settle in. Slowly, the world began moving forward once more. Then an owl arrived.

"Here, it's for you," Hermione handed the letter over to Draco while the owl swept off and out into the early morning light. Trying not to imagine all the stupid possibilities, Draco tentatively turned the envelope over in his hands. At least it wasn't a Ministry seal... What could the hospital possibly want...?

13th February

Dear Mister Malfoy,

As per the request of Narcissa Malfoy, the healers of St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries are hereby informing you, her son, of Mrs. Malfoy's scheduled release on Sunday, February 14. Upon returning home, she will continue to work with her team of Healers. We are confident in her progress towards a full recovery.


Ansel Medlar, Senior Healer

And then a second, smaller piece of parchment:

Your mother's doing great. We're all so proud of her. Hope to see you again soon!


It was this scrap of parchment, little more than an afterthought, that sent the flood of relief through Draco's entire body. He had no idea who Ansel Medlar was, but he could trust Yamamoto, and he wondered if that was what prompted her to include the postscript.

"What is it? Everything okay?" Hermione asked, looking anxious. Draco didn't blame her. Usually any news was bad news when a Malfoy was involved.

"Better than okay," Draco said, looking back over Medlar's original letter, "My mother's going home from the hospital tomorrow... Here, this is from Sachi..." He handed both papers to Hermione, who looked them over as a smile grew on her face.

"That's wonderful! I'm so happy to hear! Are you going to go see her? Your mother?"

Draco considered, but he really didn't have much choice. Despite everything, Narcissa was still his mother. He had left her alone to fend for herself in the darkness. The least he could do was see her again. He nodded slowly.

"Hey, wait, Draco, you remember what happened the last time...?" Harry emerged from their bedroom, eyebrow raised as he pulled on a sweater.

"Good morning, darling, nice to see you up and about finally," Draco drawled affectionately before switching to a more serious tone. "Harry. She's my mother. What choice do I have?"

"Every choice," Harry replied.

"Fair enough," Draco accepted. "But I want to see her... It'll be okay, Harry, look, Sachi wrote too..."

"Fine, but we're coming with you," Harry insisted.

Draco felt his heart drop. Of course Harry would want to go. But what would Narcissa do when Draco showed up with his blood-traitor boyfriend on his arm and their Muggle-born flatmate at their side...? How would she react, what would she think...?

"Harry..." Draco started, hesitant. "Please don't take this the wrong way... I... think this is something I'll have to do alone."


"No, Harry, listen to me..." Draco explained gently, searching for the right words, "Do I want to introduce you-- properly-- to my mother? Absolutely. Nothing would make me happier... But... When I do this, I want to do it right. Harry, you're my boyfriend. So when I introduce you to my mother, that is precisely how I'm going to do it. For you, too, Granger, you're my friend. But... I don't know if Narcissa is ready to take all that in just yet. And maybe she never will be, who knows? But I won't lie to her and I won't hide who you are in front of her."

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