Chapter 29

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There were people... sounds... commotion... but not anymore... where did it all go...? It's not cold anymore either... And it's bright... far too bright...

Draco blinked his eyes open and found himself staring at an annoyingly bright white ceiling.


Potter? Still here...? Draco turned his head towards Potter's voice, the world slowly coming back into focus.

"How're you feeling?" Potter asked.

Like shit. Draco's whole body ached; there was a tightness in his chest when he breathed and the brightness of the room wasn't doing anything for his headache.

"Okay," Draco lied, looking around, his memory fragmented into pieces. Potter was dueling with Lucius... "Where's Lucius? Where are we? How–?"

"Hey, it's okay, everything's okay, you're okay, we're okay," Potter reassured, "Your mother is okay too."

That got Draco's attention. Potter kept talking.

"We're in St. Mungo's. Narcissa's here too, in another room. She's being looked after by a whole team of healers, she needs help, but she's getting it now... I don't know if they're letting anyone see her yet-- it sounded like they weren't-- but they've supposedly got her with one of their best counselors..."

That's right... a healer came for Narcissa. Lucius was furious...

"So... how did we end up here...?" The mere act of trying to remember worsened his headache. Draco closed his eyes but kept hold of Potter's hand, giving it the faintest squeeze. Sorry Potter. I'm still listening.

"After Narcissa was brought in, it didn't take long for the Auror office to decide it was time to investigate," Harry explained, "I guess only a select few were aware that Lucius had been granted parole for the holidays. Kingsley was livid when he found out..."

"Kinglsey, as in the Minister of Magic?" Draco braved the light to look up and raise an eyebrow at Potter. Of course Potter would be on a first-name basis with the Minister of Magic...

"Yes, and stop moving around! I know you're feeling worse than you're letting on," Potter scolded, and Draco couldn't help the rush of affection that accompanied Potter's concern. "Anyway, once a whole team of Aurors showed up, they made short work of things... Lucius is powerful, but not that powerful. He's back in Azkaban now, Kingsley is making sure he stays there."

"Like that'll happen," Draco scoffed.

"He's been put in isolation," Potter explained, "He's not allowed to contact you or Narcissa anymore either, not even in writing."

"That's not going to stop him," Draco retorted, "He'll move against you now, you know that right? He knows you're involved... Why didn't you stay hidden!? Like I told you to???"

"That's... not a real question, is it...?" Potter replied.

"You don't know Lucius like I do, I was never in any real danger," Draco dismissed, "There's a line even he won't cross. I'm his flesh and blood."

"You were in pretty rough shape when we brought you in," Potter countered.

"I'm still willing to bet 10 galleons that I was never actually dying," Draco argued.

"Do– do you hear yourself right now!?" Potter asked, incredulous, "It took Yamamoto a good long while put you back together–"

"Family is forever," Draco dismissed again, "Lucius won't be so careful with you."

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