Chapter 8

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Two months ago:

I had to admit that Bartholomew was acting a bit different from the book. Normally he should have stayed at the hospital and sent Bonnie alone but here he was following us closely. What did I change? I didn't really care because in the end we still had been kidnapped. The one thing I wanted to prevent didn't work. Now all I could do was sit back and wait for things to pass. Maybe I could go back to my world some day and if I couldn't, then I had to find out who I was here. If I was anyone.

However it was hard thinking when the main character was continuously staring at you. Even in the car I could feel his gaze on my face:

"Stop looking at me."

Bartholomew laughed:

"It seems the little kitten is shy."

I felt my hair stand on end and glared at him:

"I am not a kitten.

-If you say so."

He didn't seem convinced and continued smiling at me. What the hell was wrong with this guy? He was supposed to be a grumpy and mysterious billionaire. Not... This. What was he planning? Did he hit his head while he was shot? Did some poison get in his blood? What happened?

I ignored him for the rest of the way and Bonnie stayed silent too. We arrived at the mansion very quickly and were led to the dinner room by Bartholomew and his friends. Dinner had already been served and the food was still warm, waiting for us.

"Sit down. You should eat something first."

We sat down and Bartholomew extended his hand towards his friends:

"Let me introduce you first. These are my two best friends. Gardenia Mistyrose and Zadimus Malum."

They didn't seem very happy to meet us and didn't even look at us. Gardenia had been in love with Bartholomew for years and became jealous very easily when he paid attention to anyone else than her. I didn't like her. She was so annoying throughout the entire book. She was a gorgeous and smart young woman and was reduced to a puppy for no reason. And then when Bartholomew fell in love with Bonnie, she just got thrown aside like some garbage bag. That was when I started pitying her. She deserved way better than this and maybe I could try becoming friends with her. Might as well occupy myself as I could.

Zadimus on the other hand rarely talked. He was a puppy too and would have died for his friend. He never got abandoned but he never really got anything either. He was just there to fill space and everyone forgot about his existence very easily. Bartholomew's personality did eclipse others very easily but Zadimus had no personality at all. We didn't know anything about him. What food did he like? What was his favorite color? Nothing. Maybe I could become friends with him too. Bartholomew's friends weren't really bad people. They just never thought for themselves. I could work with that and I loved talking to shy people to force them out of their shell.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Bonnie Stein."

Bonnie was smiling brightly and that made me roll my eyes. How could she be so calm in this situation? She was the same throughout the whole manhwa and that wasn't okay. No one paid attention to her but she didn't seem at all hurt by that and started eating silently. Maybe she wasn't weird. Maybe she was just way too good at adapting. I had no idea anymore.

"And you?"

Everyone turned to me and waited for something. I didn't have anything to lose telling them my name. I needed to find out who I was in this world anyway.

"You can call me Aed."

Bartholomew repeated my name slowly for some reason. I turned away and started eating too because I felt famished.

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