Chapter 22

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A month ago:

Life at the mansion was exhausting and I was regretting staying more and more but didn't really have anything else to do. Zadimus hated me. I could see it on his face every second we crossed paths. And Gardenia didn't like me any better. I did my best being nice to her but sometimes I really wanted to slap some sense into her. I couldn't hit someone innocent so I just isolated myself. But I couldn't disappear completely either because I was scared of when Bartholomew would take Bonnie with him next. Things had been calm at the mansion lately but that didn't mean it would stay that way.

Therefore I spent my days with Bonnie when Bartholomew didn't appear out of nowhere to annoy me. He would appear every now and then and I couldn't relax for a second. Even sitting in the library with Bonnie, I couldn't help looking at the door every minute to see if Bartholomew opened it.

"Are you okay?"

Of course Bonnie immediately noticed my state and looked at the door herself:

"Are you waiting for someone?

-No. I was just looking around.

-Are you sure everything is fine? You look quite pale lately."

I sighed.

"I am tired.

-Do you want me to bring you some coffee? Or some tisane?

-I'm okay. Have you found something?"

Bonnie turned her tablet around before handing it to me:

"Aed Neverbite, 26 years old. He has a sister and a brother and has a PHD in metaphysics."

I raised my eyebrows:

"Wow. That's impressive."

I looked at the picture and in fact that was me. At least it was my picture and it seemed I existed in this world too. Bonnie could never get a phone or a tablet in the original story but I convinced Bartholomew rather easily to lend us one. Did he really take a liking to me? Just thinking about it made me shudder and I preferred to ignore his reasons. The most important thing was that now I could look into my life here peacefully.

"The Aed here started working as soon as he got his diploma but left his job a year later.


-I don't know."

Bonnie was really good at stalking people and she already found way more than I did but it was still not a lot:

"Did you find an address?

-Not yet.


-There are a few people that have pictures with you.

-Perfect. Could you find their numbers?"

Bonnie took back the tablet while nodding:

"Of course.

-And did you find something about you?

-Nothing. I am not sure that I exist in this world.

-But why would I exist and not you? It doesn't make any sense."

Bonnie shrugged and we went back to our stalking. After another ten minutes of digging, Bonnie extended the tablet back to me:

"Look. This guy is your ex employer, Cirro Redbay. Maybe you just forced yourself to smile but you didn't seem on bad terms and I didn't find anything about you being fired or having a fight at work. This is Ridge, he is one of your ex colleagues and college friends. And this is Heliodor, she is in some pictures with you.

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