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"Why mommy.." a little voice said

"Go Yuri.. go.. live ur life.." her mother said softly

She then witness her mother kicks the chair under her as she gasped and chocked for air as the little girl looked terrified and confused with banging on the front door. She gasped holding her mouth and the banging Continued repeatedly at the door.


Yuri woke up gasping as she sat up the tears streaming down her face. She Remembered her mothers death. The death that changed her life. She looked at the time and gently wiped the tears away from her eyes. She pulled the covers off getting out of bed as she walked to her bathroom gazing into the mirror.

She sighed out and turned the faucet on splashing cold water on her face. It made her relax a bit but not all the way she was still shaking with fear. She shook her head and walked out her bathroom opening her dressing room door as she looked for anything to wear.

"Todays exams oh man wonder if I'll pass.." she breathed out a sigh leaving her lips. She grabbed her uniform walking back into her bathroom before turning the water to her shower on setting the right temp. Before getting undressed from her silk night dress as she saw in the mirror her scar from the past as she touched it flashing memories coming back.

Shaking it off she took off what remaining clothes she had left before getting in the shower and closing the curtain. She closed her eyes enjoying the water as she held herself still shaken by the memories flooding her mind. It should be a day like any other she had to shake this off or she'll never be able to focus on the test today.


The little girl ran from the house as she gasped out for air falling down a hill screaming for her life. She crashed at the bottom hitting her head a bit as she looked around her for any sign of getting out. In the world over yonder there were only few exits and entrances.

She ran as fast as she could ahead not caring how bad her head hurted. She witnessed her mothers death right in front of her. The only thing on her mind was getting out of there. She could see the light at the end reaching out for it she only thought one thing.

"I have to escape!"


Yuri opened her eyes realizing she was still in her shower as she shook everything off. She had to get it together and with a few slaps to herself she started her daily routine of showering and making breakfast for herself. She walked out her apartment headed down her stairs as she looked at the time on her watch, she had enough time to get to the academy.

Walking down the path the wind blew a bit and she gasped a little holding her skirt down and holding onto the patches on her neck. Her scent might blow if they came off there shouldn't be any scent of her going around. She didn't even know if any of the females were even alive. And not females as in humans as in yokais.

Humans feared yokais more than anything. But she lived as faking as a human keeping her identity and scent under wraps. She didn't want anything to be catching her attention especially since what happened years ago in the world over yonder. Seeing her academy ahead she continued ahead as there was screaming.

She ran over and saw it a big muscular yokai in the middle of the academy. She couldn't move at all... she couldn't... memories of what happened at her home flooding through her mind.. she wanted to move.. she desperately wanted to help..

The yokai raised its large hammer at the female humans as she moved on her own blocking it. She didn't even realize that she had moved without her knowing herself. She backed up as the yokai roared at her and the students behind her cowering.

"Go now!" She demanded

The students obeyed as she gasped the yokai hitting her with it's hammer as she yelped hitting the ground with Her patches coming off from the impact. Gasping she panicked looking around for them as the yokai smelled her floral scent.

"Smells so sweet~" he roared walking at her as she stood still in fear on the ground. Why couldn't she move.. she was desperately trying to move. But her body wouldn't listen. No matter how hard she tried she could not move the memories flooding back to her.

Until she saw the student on the roof throwing books at the yokai as she gasped. They were helping her? She took this as an opportunity as she ran over and jumped up grabbing the yokais head before twisting it off clean blood raining down.

"Yea Yuri!"

"Way to go Yuri!"

From the shadows a blue and yellow headed boy smirked. He looked over at the girl standing in a crowd of humans. A female yokai posing as a human. And that scent was simply Devine . Yuri was it? He was certainly going to love her.

Yuri looked over sensing something off as she looked over to the left. She couldn't see anything as she gasped covering her neck with her hands. Her patches? They flew off after the yokai attacked her. If another yokai smelled her she'd be having trouble come her way.

"Yuri? What's wrong?" A student asked looking at her

"Huh? N-nothing" she said with a smile

But she held her skirt tightly from the sides. She didn't know what to do. But she couldn't just run home and get new ones. So she had to spend the rest of the day without her patches.

As the academy ended Yuri sighed in relief she was finally home. She put new patches on carefully before undressing from her uniform. She heard a knock at her door as she put a robe on opening the door. Her heart immediately froze.

A-a yokai at her house? Not just any yokai he smelled of one of the master yokai's. What was a yokai doing at her house? She gripped the door hard trying not to let it show as she stepped forward a bit.

"C-can i help u..." she shakily asked

"What's a female yokai doing posing as a human?" He asked a smirk on his face

Her breath hitched as she stepped back. Did he smell her? No she didn't see him, but she Remembered that the world over yonder had many shadows many door ways. She watched as he walked in shutting her door as she backed away more in fear falling on her sofa with a yelp.

"I-i don't know what ur talking about..." she shakily said

"Oh really?" He said towering over her. She froze as his eyes landed on her neck. The patches were covering up her scent if he took them off it prove to him that shes a yokai. She yelped a bit as the patches on her neck were forcefully taken off. The man smirked her floural scent already enveloping the room. "Damm u smell so good"

He buried his face in her neck as she froze struggling to get her hands free. She didn't like this at all. Everything that happened such a long time ago coming back to her like a river going down a hill. She started breathing heavily as he was licking her neck.

"N-no.. s-stop.." she begged between tears as she tried breaking her arms free. She didn't want this. She struggled even more as he didn't like how she was squirming beneath him. "D-dont Plz.."

"A yokai female should shut up and take what she has coming" he growled lowly as she gasped freezing in place. The same words she heard her mother say before she h*** herself. The yokai saw her frozen in utter fear as he lifted her chin a bit her eyes shutting quickly.

"P-plz.. j-just leave me alone.." she begged the tears threatening to fall "Plz.."

**well I'm ending it here hope yall enjoyed until next time bye**

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