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»The last female yokai«

Yuri looked at the many displays in the window of a shop a smile on her face. She and yugo were outside of the world over yonder which made her happy her past trauma there still made her uneasy a bit. Yugo was on his phone as he looked over seeing Yuri look at the display through the window a small smile on his face.


"Huh a date?" Yuri asked sitting by yugo as he was drinking wine. Both yuto and yuya were sitting by as well with the two of them as yuya smiled watching the interaction between them. Yugo only gave him a warning glare as yuto possessively held yuya. "Yugo?"

"Yes a date im sure u feel like a trapped bird being here" he said drinking some wine as yuya gave him the look. Yuto tried not laugh as he knew yuya was giving him the look of 'now u treat her nicely'. And yugo knew he was right as he held yuri closer a small surprised squeal leaving her lips. "Well wanna go on a date with me?"

"O-of course t-that would be nice" she said a bit of blush on her face

"U two have fun" yuya said with a smile

-end of flashback-

"U want that Yuri?" He asked looking at her cute feminine side. She jolted a bit face a bit red as she played with her hair a bit. Yugo smiled taking her hand walking in the shop as Yuri was blushing being taken into the shop with him.

"W-wait yugo" she called holding his hand

Yugo smiled walking to the hair accessory section as he took the rose gem hairpin that was on display in the window. He gently put it in her hair as she blushed touching it as he took her hand kissing it her face completely red from embarrassment. "As i thought it's beautiful on u"

"N-no it can't be pretty on me" she quietly muttered as he gently caressed her face connecting their lips together with their tongues dancing along with each other. Before they got away with anymore making out he pulled away smiling stroking her lips. "Y-yugo.."

"Ur very beautiful my flower" he whispered Against her lips as the blush on her face went darker. She clenched onto his shirt already panting a bit wanting his hands on her body. He smiled kissing her forehead pulling away from her as she whined a bit, he praises her and then turns her on and doesn't take care of it. "Ur smell is getting sweet be careful not to get too turned on beautiful"

"O-oki.." she whispered a bit tugging at the front of her skirt a bit. He was already getting aroused by her floural scent and he took a deep breath to calm down as he started paying for the hairpin before the two Continued out the store to enjoy their date. "Y-yu-"


That voice sounded familiar to Yuri as she turned around seeing Dennis freezing up. Why was he here? She felt an arm go around her waist as a hand covered her eyes with a blush forming on her face. Was it yugo? "Can i help u? Were in the middle of a date"

"I want to talk to yuri so buzz off" Dennis said looking at yugo as Yuri gasped a bit. Why did he want to talk to her she promised yugo not to talk to him anymore. And she didn't want Dennis to be killed either. But she decided to put her hand on yugo's as he noticed moving his hand from her eyes lifting her chin up.

"I don't want u talking to him yuri" he whispered Against her lips which frightened her a little. She gently stroked his face as he was surprised but held her hand in his. "Yuri"

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