Chapter 26

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"TUBBO!" Tommy's voice echoed through the mansion, frantic and borderline terrified. "TUBBO, HELP!"

Tubbo dropped the trinket he'd been tinkering with. "TOMMY!" he screamed, ripping an axe from his inventory and dashing into the hall. "WHERE ARE YOU?!"


Tubbo skidded to a stop in front of the guest room, heart thundering in his ears. He slammed the door open, half-expecting to see blood.

He was met instead with the sight of a wide-eyed Tommy, standing stiff and stock-still in the middle of the room. "Help," he begged.

Tubbo raked his gaze over Tommy. He didn't seem to be injured, there wasn't anything obvious causing him distress, so what--


Tubbo let his axe dispel in a flash of light. "Tommy, you-- I thought you were in danger!"

"I am in danger," Tommy protested. "There's a small child clinging to my leg, Tubbo, do you not see him--"

Tubbo relaxed as the last dregs of adrenaline drained away. "Michael's not going to hurt you."

"I might hurt him!" Tommy was practically vibrating with nervousness. "And I can't move until he gets off because I might kick him!"

Tubbo snorted. "He does it to Ranboo all the time. He won't get hurt."

"Tubboooooo," Tommy whined. Tubbo let out an exasperated sigh.

"Michael, let go of your uncle."

Michael blinked up at him and chuffed. He did not release his death grip on Tommy's leg.

Tubbo couldn't help the grin that tugged at his lips. "Sorry Tommy, his English isn't the best." He turned and began moving out of the room. "He'll eventually detach himself. Just do the best you can."

"Wh-- Tubbo, I can't do sh-- anything with him on my leg!"

"You can still walk, you'll be fine. Ask Boo for tips if you need more help."



His communicator buzzed. Dream pulled it out, catching Tommy's name as it flashed across the screen. "Sorry," he told George. "I have to take this."

George shrugged, turning away. Dream hurried out of hearing distance before he pressed the communicator to his ear. "What?"

"Dream, I've made a mistake."

Dream closed his eyes. ". . . What did you do this time?"

Tommy let out a nervous laugh. "So, uh, I may or may not have turned Fundy into a kid."

"Okay? Just give him milk."

"I can't. . . really do that."

Deep breaths. Deep, deep breaths. He was the epitome of calm. "And why can't you do that?"

"Haha, uh, um, Sapnap and Punz were there and theymighthavekidnappedhim?"

Dream took a moment to parse that out. Then he took another moment to check that his internal screaming hadn't upgraded to external screaming. Thankfully, it hadn't. Yet.


"I knooooow," Tommy groaned. "Just like-- bring him back, yeah? I'll fix it--"

"Tommy," Dream growled.

"Whoops Wil's calling me! Just send Fundy back, great thanks bye!"

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