18 - Jelly Toad

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Like herding frogs
Very unwieldy or unmanageable; nearly impossible to organize or control. 

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Riley and I were sitting outside at our usual spot in the grass. Riley and I had switched snacks so she was eating my apple and I was eating her jelly. Yum

"I wonder how Mica's doing.." Riley said during our lunch break. 

I nearly choked on my drink. 

"I haven't seen him in so long. Because of that stupid dad of his." Riley sighed. "He hates me." 

I sat up. I really wanted to know more about Mica's dad. "What do you know about him exactly?" 

"Uh.. that he's an asshat. Danny hated him. He said to shoot him if he ever turned out like his dad." Riley chuckled. "Mica seems to sympathize with him, though. Can you believe that?!" 

"But is he, like, abusive or something?" 

"I don't know. Neither of them really talk about him in detail but what else do you call isolating your own child?" Riley kicked a stone across the grass. 

"We haven't hung out in forever. I miss him." Riley sighed. 

I felt kinda bad. If I told her I've spent all this time with him she'd beat me up. 

"Have you heard from him?" Riley asked suddenly. 

I choked on absolutely nothing. "What?" 

"You went to his school a while ago, right? And you have his number. Has he told you anything?" 

"No, we don't talk much!" I croaked. 

Riley growled. She began kicking the tree. "Stupid. George. Keeping. Me. From. Mica. Ugh!" 

I stared at my hands.

"We're going to his school. Now." Riley said resolved.


"I have to see him! He keeps texting he's fine but something's wrong, I can feel it in my bones!" 

"Riley, calm down. Maybe you're just overreacting." 

"I'm not overreacting! I need to check on Mica. And you're coming to back me up." Riley grabbed my arm and dragged me with her. 

We were riding fast on our bikes.

I realized that the second Riley saw me with Mica she'd figure it out. And that would be just another person I told. 

"Wait! Who says he's even there! Maybe he has the day off!" 

"My antennae are telling me he's there!" Riley kicked into high gear. 

"And by antennae you mean braids?!" 

"Potato patato! Hurry up!" 

No! We had to turn around or I would spill the beans! She'd instantly know!

Riley came to a screeching halt on the school campus, nearly running a poor kid over. Well.. a rich kid. 

She threw her bike aside as she headed for the door. 

"Slow down!" I jumped off my bike and followed her. 

"Riley, this is a terrible idea!" I had to stop her no matter what. 

Before I even had the chance Mica came outside. His eyes widened in surprise. 

"What- what's going on?" He stared at me in particular. I was sure he thought I told her. 

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