22 - My Butterfly

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Toady up to someone
Someone who attempts to gain or maintain support, approval, or advantage from one through fawning and flattery.

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We were in line for a shooting game. There were eight targets, some closer than others. Generally the further the target, the bigger the prize. The prizes mostly consisted of stuffed animals. I wanted to win Mica something. It was stupid and totally ego driven. I just wanted him to have something that I gave him. I wanted to win him the best thing ever. 

"I'm going to win Mica one of those teddies." Dax whispered into my ear. He had an excited grin on his face. 

"What?" I growled. 

"Yeah. I mean, he's totally into that kind of thing. Might give me a better chance with him." 

"I don't know if he'd like that." I said through clenched teeth. 

"Well, it's worth a shot." Dax shrugged and we were next in line. 

To my surprise, Mica also competed. He looked so serious. 

The shop owner counted to three and then we begun. 

This was much harder than I thought it'd be. I was aiming for the target furthest away. It was so tiny! 

I looked to my right and saw Riley shooting all her ten bullets in under 5 seconds. "Dang it!" She exclaimed. 

Mica was going slow and steady. He was aiming for the target in the middle. And of course, that snake Dax was aiming for the one I was focused on. 

Well, bring it on, pal!

I concentrated and continued to shoot at it. "Come on, come on!" I muttered. 

"I'm gonna get this!" Dax exclaimed. 

"Not on my watch!" I answered. 

"Might as well give up now, I go shooting with my dad all the time." He smirked. 

"Oh yeah? Have you ever shot a fluttering butterfly? Didn't think so!"

"What?" Dax chuckled. 

"They're not easy to catch, bro, and I've done it multiple times!" 

"Hey, who're you calling bro?" I suddenly heard my brother's voice behind me. I turned around. "Kyle?" 

The bell went off. "And we have a winner! Oh, two actually!" The shop owner said. 

"No!" I cried as I turned back to the game. 

"Dammit, you lost me the game!" I gave Kyle a light push. 

"It's just a game, calm down." He laughed. "Just thought it was suspicious you were cheating on me." 


"Calling someone else bro. Disturbing." 

I looked behind me and saw both Mica and Dax picking out a stuffed animal. Dax was letting Mica choose one. It was disgusting. 

I sighed. "What are you doing here, Kyle?" 

"What do you think? I'm on a date." 

"Where's your date then?" 

"The ladies room." Kyle smiled. 

I was just so bummed out. The award for worst boyfriend goes to... me. 

"Wow, looking great, Mica." Kyle said when Mica approached us. 

"Thanks." He smiled. 

Kyle leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Just remember he's naked under there. Let that sink in." Kyle patted my shoulder. 

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