Chapter Eighteen - Charlie

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Stepping out into the early morning Saturday sun, I take in the fresh air and stretch my body, preparing for the upcoming run. Getting into my truck, I curse myself for not recognizing this neighborhood sooner when dropping off Jules for the very first time. I guess I was in too much of a shock to recognize my longtime friend's neighborhood.

Passing Jules' house, I only go down two blocks to get to Max's and I find him waiting outside for me already. Quickly getting in, Max automatically changes the music as I confirm our usual place to work out. We sit in silence for fifteen minutes until I get to the best trail to run along which is a bit challenging but also great for endurance.

When we're both ready, we do another round of stretching before Max heads off before I do. Since he got injured two years ago, he can't go as fast or as long as we used to before but he always is down for the ride. As much as he's a dick, he's also fucking loyal to Seth and I and always tries to make me as fit as possible.

For years we were a killer duo, joining varsity baseball when we were freshmen, being leagues better than everyone else on the team. We were so fucking good but in sophomore year, Max was targeted by other team's basemen and injured his knee and shoulder. He's never been the same since and refuses to go onto the baseball field, despite being completely healed of his injuries.

Giving him just a three minute head start, I follow down the path that he went along and try to get into my comfort zone. The summer barely consisted of any exercise besides finishing up the baseball season. I can definitely feel a difference as I feel my body be not as fluid as I want it to be. Easily catching up to Max, I pass him and head down a trail that heads up a larger hill. Hearing Max swear behind me, I laugh as I continue onwards.

Roughly twenty minutes later and after overthinking almost everything in my life, I finally stop to catch my breath and to wait for Max. By the time he reaches me, I'm no longer out of breath. "Fucker," he gasps and puts his hands on his knees. I let him cool down for a bit and look around the Minnesota forest.

When he's not going to pass out, he stands straight and I say, "Ready for round two?"

"Not if you want me to kick your shin."

I sigh. "We used to run for miles and miles before we'd get tired."

Max gives me a look. "Let's just say I like to do other bits of exercise now."

Making a face, I say, "Eww." Shrugging it off, he faces in my direction and points out that we can see the river from here. "We should go swimming one of these days," I say.

Scoffing, Max crosses his arms over his chest. "It's been years since we've been cliff diving."

"Maybe we should do it again. Head up north for a day or two."

"Did Seth really get in your head or something?"

Shrugging, "Maybe." Max silently watches me as I finally admit to him what's been running through my mind for weeks now about how I'm scared of what next year will bring. "It'll be the first time in my life where I do not know what's going to happen," I say. "I have no idea what you or Seth will do and it's fucking scary not knowing."

Max waits a very long time until he says, "We shouldn't be afraid of the future."

I turn to him. "So you know what you're going to be doing next year?"

He shrugs. "No but maybe. But I don't care, Charlie. And you shouldn't either. Making plans only sets up disappointment."

"How can you not-"

"Because I don't, Charlie," he interrupts. "You've always been worried over small things."

"I'm pretty sure our future isn't small."

Max rolls his eyes. "You know what I mean."

As I frown and look around, I try not to fret over the future that Max doesn't seem to care about. I wish - just for one day - that I could just let things go and live my life without worry. But yet... I just can't. While fretting, I get a text and smile. "Let's get back," I say.

Max narrows his eyes at me. "Did Kate text you?"

"No, Jules did."

As I start heading back, Max stays in the same spot. Turning, I in return give him a look until he asks, "Are you and Jules are pretty close?"

I shrug. "We hang out everyday. We text almost constantly."

"And Kate is alright with that?"

I shrug again. "Why shouldn't she be? I hang out and text you guys all the time."

"Charlie," Max sighs frustratingly. "You know there's a big fucking difference, right?"

"And that is?"

"Jules is a fucking hot chick and Seth and I are two fuckheads that has no chance in fucking you. That's the difference."

"I don't want to fuck Jules."

"That's hard to believe," he scoffs.

I grow angry. "I'm not like you, Max," I yell at him. "I don't want to fuck every girl I lay eyes on. I have morals."

His eyebrows shoot up. "Don't get all self-righteous on me, fucker. I know who I am but you obviously don't know who you are."

"Well I'll tell you now so you can fucking get this through your head," I say as I walk back up to him. "I didn't befriend Jules just so I can get into her pants. I befriended her to fucking be her friend. So fuck off."

Raising a brow at me, he shrugs off the growing tension between us. "I'm just warning you. Kate is not the girl that is going to be okay with this."

"And you know my girlfriend better than I do?" I snap.

"Yeah. I do. Because it's obvious that Kate gets jealous of me and Seth. She hates you put so much attention on us instead of her." Just as I open my mouth to deny this, Max adds quickly, "How fucking blind are you? Kate is not subtle with her emotions and it's like you're not even paying attention."

Curling my fist, I say, "She would tell me if she's angry with me. We have an open policy."

He rolls his eyes. "I highly doubt that."

Huffing in frustration, I turn back down the trail. Calling over my shoulder, "Hurry before I leave you behind."

As I head down the trail, I hear him shout, "You can't run from this, dumbass!"

Well for right now... I can.

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