Chapter Forty Three - Charlie

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We pull up to the large snow covered field about fifteen minutes away from our hometown. In the center of the large amount of people gathered is a large pine tree that is waiting to be lit right at midnight. Surrounding said pine tree are barrels that are on fire so that people can see. Off to the side is a barn which thankfully has electricity and where people have set up the drinks for the night.

I walk with the couple beside me, Max still fucking pissed I was five minutes late but how could I have known one little phone call could derail his night? But when I glance at them in the corner of my eye, his anger seems to have diminished but that's because Jules is the best girlfriend around and can make the cynic into a loving man.

When we get the the barn, I check my phone once more to see if Seth has updated us on where he is. His last text came ten minutes prior saying he's here with Jonathan but nothing more. I'm about to text him we're here but we hear, "Charlie!"

Glancing over the crowd, we see Seth with a smiling Tara across the barn. We make our way over to them and I see Jonathan here as well as Tara's girlfriend. "Happy new year!" Tara smiles, her chipped tooth saying hello as well.

I give her a needed hug and when we separate she turns to Max. "There's my firecracker!"

"Hey bunny," he smiles back. "Tara, have you met my girlfriend yet?"

Tara's eyes grow big while Seth sighs, "He's been so annoyingly in love that it hurts to be around the fool."

Max cuts him a glare while Juliet smiles at Tara. "I'm Juliet," she introduces.

Tara suddenly laughs and brings Jules in for a hug. "Oh you are beautiful!" While Jules blinks at the compliment, Tara says to all of us, "So we're all in relationships. That's so exciting."

Seth wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Well not this fella right here," he says and I feel like punching him. "He was too good for Kate anyway."

Tara turns to me. "Oh Charlie, I'm so sorry."

"Well it's the same as last year," I say. "I'm quite used to the bachelor life."

"Well, we'll find you someone to kiss at midnight," Tara smiles.

"Oh please don't," I whine.

"He's still wishing Kate will magically show up," Max informs Tara.

Now it's my turn to cut him a glare. "Will you shut up?"

"I'll kiss ya," Seth says as he brings my head into him. Planting a kiss on my forehead, it takes a big shove to get him off of me. "I love you man," he smiles.

"Fuck, can we talk about something else?" I groan. "What the hell are we drinking tonight?"

"Now we're talking!" Max lights up which has Jules laughing hysterically. As much as I feel lonely without a partner here with me tonight, I still have the best friends on the planet.


After walking around for a bit, saying hi to classmates and teammates the whole time, Seth, Max, and I finally get drinks for everybody in our group. The whole time people just stared at Jules, either because they knew her from her nudes that leaked over a month ago or because of the strange state of seeing Max with a girlfriend.

But being Jules, she blends in well with our friend group and I can see the pride written on Max's face anytime he looks to Jules as if to say, yep, that's my girl.

As we get drinks, I'm vaguely aware of people who come up and get their own drinks, this one girl continually coming up beside me to grab a bottle of gin. She apologizes every time and I give her a polite smile every time along with her. After she leaves, Max comes up beside me and scoffs, "You're the dumbest motherfucker I've ever met."

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