Part 10

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It was winter holidays. Soobin was happy during holidays. Because he was alone at home. He could do anything he wants, if he wants he watches movies, if he wants studies, if he wants sings karaoke. Kai also had fun. He travelled city with his family. Yeonjun's holiday was busy. He focused on his wirk and had lot of photo shoots this week. But Taehyun.. he had lot of studies because of extra classes.




All good. What about you?

Same thanks

Hey lets met uo today?

Umm why?

Lets met up and you'll see!

Okay but where?

Near of school


As Beomgyu told Taehyun came to near the entrance of school. Beomgyu was waiting him and he gave smile by seeing Taehyun.

''Hi'' greeted Beomgyu.

''Hi'' smiled Taehyun.

''Here'' Beomgyu handed some copybooks and paperworks.

''W..what are they?'' Asked Taehyun with a wonder.

''I've just done some of your homeworks..'' said Beomgyu shyly.

''Oh my! Thank you Gyu~'' said Taehyun which made Beomgyu even more shy.

''I just wanted to help you'' said quitely Beomgyu.

''You did it!'' Said Taehyun ''You finished 91% of my work thank you...''

''Always welcome. Let's go to have some walk i would buy ice cream...'' offered Soobin.

''Nah i will buy ice cream. I need to thank you'' said Taehyun.

Since this day this two get close and closer. They often started chat and meet each other quite often.


Finally holidays have ended. Soobin went to school with hoping that gonna have good day. When ge entered the class his saw his bedt friend Taehyun talking to his crush. Yes, Soobin was jealous. It was little bit painful. Soobin tried to socialize with them even if it was hard for him.

''Hi guys'' greeted Soobin.

''Oh hi. How are you?'' Asked Taehyun he was happier than ever. Soobin was glad to see his friend happy.

''I'm fine and you?'' Said Soobin.

''We are fine'' smiled Beomgyu.

''I'm glad...'' said Soobin and couldn't find any words. He just started to listen this couple. They almost have talked everything.

''Oh what about Yeonjun? Is there anyone who he loves?'' Asked Taehyun.

''Well i think no. I guess he's afraid of scandals'' said Beomgyu.

''Yeah being in love is weird feeling which i've never had'' said Taehyun and Beomgyu smiled.

Love theme.. which Soobin can answer because he've experiensed it as well. He still remembers good and lovely moments of his life and at the same time he still remembers the pain of break up too ''Yeah agree. Love is dangeroys and the biggest risk in our life'' Soobin felt that there's something going between Taehyun and Beomgyu. Soobin knows that he again going to suffer this pain. He quickly looked to Beomgyu and contiuned ''i wish i never would fall in love...'' said Soobin with a little smile.

''Oh c'mon Soobin You've already have experiensed love. Don't you remember your ex?'' Laughed Taehyun and also Beomgyu laughed for this. Soobin felt pain, his friend mentioning his ex to his crush and his crush laughs... Soobin was about to cry. He wanted to explain that all was in the past. But Soobin though that it's useless to explain them. Soobin just weakly smiled to them.

Soobin decided to go and take his own sit. First day was not successful for Soobin.


The other day. Soobin everyday started to see Taehyun talking to Beomgyu. Because of Soobin's shyness he couldn't get envolved between them.

Now it was chemistry lesson. Soobin's favorite. Soobin went to the blackboard to do the experiment which teacher has just showed. During his work Soobin quietly looked Beomgyu. Was he looking at Soobin or not? No. Beomgyu was talking something with Taehyun instead. Again Soobin felt pain.

It was and of chemistry lesson. ''Choi Beomgyu and Choi Yeonjun. Help me to take my equipments to the laboratory'' commanded teacher.

''Okay'' said Yeonjun and moved first than Beomgyu.

''Teacher i'll be with them'' said Taehyun and helped to Beomgyu and Yeonjun. Taehyun quickly smiled to Beomgyu and his cheeks got red. Trio went out to help their teacher. Soobin was about to cry by seeing how his friend flirts with his crush. Soobin freeze on spot.

''Hey what happened?'' Asked Kai but his words got ignored.

After few minutes Yeonjun entered the class. But Taehyun and Beomgyu didn't came. Soobin quickly looked at him.

''Where is love birds?'' Asked Kai. Soobin felt pain worse. Already class have started to ship them. Every class paid attention to Yeonjun

''They are coming together slowly. I think they have private talk.'' Explained Yeonjun with a smile.

''May be they are kissing?'' Screamed whole class.

Tear drop fell from Soobin's eyes.

Can I Love Again?; Yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now