fuck you

811 33 4

Hey there August, you leaving so soon? Because I can still feel your tongue tracing up my thigh like the rising moon
After the setting sun
Acrossed darker skies and brighter clouds
Well now
Look here, yes there on me where your
lust has stung
Oh yes! your tongue...

Milana pov:

I slam my notebook and fall back onto my pillows. Here we are again, I think to myself. I close my eyes and inhale deeply, trying to see if I can still catch your scent in the air. You're long gone though. You haven't been here in weeks but I try to keep you alive in my memories. I swear I've convinced myself that if I can find something that reminds me of you and I pray hard enough that you'll come back..but you won't. I stretch out across my bed naked feeling the cool air lay against my breasts and I begin to finger my long black curls that rest on my shoulders. The hardest thing about loving someone when they're here, is loving them when they're gone. And no they're not dead or anything but they just don't want to be with you. I've learned that often times you love someone and help them grow so that they will be better for someone else....and that right there is why I am so done with relationships.
I roll out of bed and grab my shower caddy. My first class starts in about an hour which gives me 45 minutes to get ready. I notice my roommate has fallen off of her bed again as I walk out the door, that girl has more trouble staying in the bed than I do staying in relationships. As I head to the bathroom I hear my phone vibrating in the caddy, I reach in and grab it. Good morning beautiful, I hope you slept well, I smile and set my phone down as I walk into the bathroom. I turn on the shower water and slide in, the hot water sends chills up my spine. I wash quickly and head back to my room.
As I head to my first class I feel someone staring at me, I turn my head and there she is...my ex. I quickly turn my head and run up the stairs. I am the first one to class so I find a seat in the back and take out my notebooks. I miss my ex I really do but I'm hurt and I know she doesn't deserve me. She cheated on me a couple weeks ago after days of ignoring me and not coming over. She cheated on me with a girl that I was cool with and someone who she considered her "bestfriend". I guess I should have figured as much, because at one point I was the "bestfriend" too. My ex comes into class with some girl I've never seen before. And trust me I would have seen her by now if that was the case because I go to a tiny college in the middle of freakin nowhere.
She is this really cute stud...well stem I can totally tell she's a stem despite her boyish clothing she had on mascara and seemed oddly feminine despite her appearance. She had medium length hair straightened right abover her shoulders. She had on the new red kanye sneakers, grey joggers and a red and grey short sleeve graphic shirt on with a grey bucket hat on her head. The girl looked over at me and gave me this partial smirk and took her seat next to Taz;my ex. Her eyes were so pretty they were green and hazel. But I can only imagine what That bitch has told her about me even though I know what she probably said isn't true. Taz has a habbit of telling people I'm psychotic and desperate and that I still want her. But none of that is true, she is just mad that when we broke up I didn't chase her or beg for her back. Instead I made her give me back all of the clothing and accessories that I gave her and now she suffers from bum bitch syndrome.
"Students we will begin this class by getting to know each of our fellow colleagues," the professor walked to the front of the class and began writing each of our names in pairs. I was praying that I didn't get paired with taz. The professor sat down and instructed us to sit with our partners and go over the following questions on the board. I looked at the board and I was paired with blaze...who the fuck is that.
Blaze pov:

This school is too damn small, I'm going to be seeing these same faces everyday until I fucking graduate. I thought a small school would be good, less drama and a bit more me time but that just wasn't the case. The only reason why I came to this stupid ass school was to play ball, I got a full ride. The other reason is my stepdad is abusive always beating the shit out of my moms and he tried to rape me a month before I graduated high school. I vowed to move far away and never come back. So here I am stuck in some small ass town in georgia going to some stupid liberal arts school.
My first day here I met some stud named taz she was cool I guess. She wasn't the typical stud I would hang with she didn't know how to dress and from the smell of her, hygiene wasn't something she was good at either. But she was funny so we kicked it. Yesterday in breakfast on my way out there was this beautiful lightskin chick with some long ass thick hair I almost walked into the door staring at her. Taz punched me lightly in the arm and told me her name is Milana and to stay away from her because she's crazy. Said that they dated for awhile before they came here but when they got to college she had to cut her off because she was too clingy. Taz also said she cheated on the girl just to prove a point. Damn. That's fucked up. We walked into class and there she was just sitting there with her notebooks out, I love an ambitious woman who is organized and early. I looked at her and gave her a small smile but she didn't waste no time looking away.
The teacher paired us together and I saw her look at the board puzzled so I got up and sat down in the chair next to hers. She looked at me, "I'm Milana, what kind of name is Blaze?", damn she was fiesty but I likes that shit. "Nice to meet you Milana and Blaze is my nickname," I couldn't help but stare at her she was beautiful. She was covered in henna it was on her hands and lightly scattered on her chest. Got damn she had some big ass titties too. "Well what's the name on your birth certificate Blaze?" she looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I totally skipped over her question. "So where are you from?" I licked my lips slow and stared into her eyes, she started to blush and looked down at the floor." I'm from New York, upstate and you?" " I'm from new york too but Nyc to be exact." The teacher cut in and told us to hurry up because we'd be introducing our partners to the class. We finished up our questions and then we got called up to the front of the class to share first.

Losing God Between My thighs Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ