No Going Back

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*Explicit Content(violence)*
Clay's POV:
We pull up to my storage unit 4 hours outside of town and pull Milana out of the trunk. I lay her down on the ground and pour a bucket of water on her. She gasps and coughs trying to catch her breath. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty," Trish says as she kicks her in the stomach. Milana screams out in pain but it isn't too loud since her mouth is taped. I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder and she starts wiggling and elbowing me in the back of my shoulder. Trish smacks her in the head with the butt of my gun and she's out again.
We walk up to one of the storage unit doors and Nick knocks twice. Ryan lifts the door open from the inside and we walk in. "Damn who is that? Yal know yal still got another one in here right?"Ryan said as he backed out of the way. "This is none of your business Ryan, you're free to leave now, your babysitting duties are over," I said, he packed up his shit and left. "Strip her and hang her up over there next to the fish tank,"I said to Nick and he did what I asked. I walked over to Mac, this stud bitch I picked up a month ago. I heard she was working for Miles and caught her snooping around. We've banged her up a bit but she's one tough little bitch. I smacked her softly so she would wake up. "Wakey wakey," I lit a blunt and stuck it in my mouth as I pulled the stool over. I sat down and pulled the blunt out of my mouth. When she finally woke up I blew my smoke in her face. She started coughing, "So we're going to try this again ok? What is Miles looking for?" I asked her calmly. I was in a rather good mood since shit has been going my way. "Fuck you nigga I don't know shit!" She spit in my face but it didn't phase me. I nodded at nick and he brought me over a towel and I wiped my face.
"I'm feeling quite good right now," I grabbed her face, "You see that bitch right there," I turned her face towards Milana and her eyes got wide. "Oh so you know who she is?Good then because now it's a party," I stuck the burning side of my blunt onto Mac's ribs. She grunted and gritted her teeth. "Tell me what I want to know or I will wake that pretty little thing over there up and show her what it's like to take dick," I sat back down on my stool, "you've got 30 seconds bitch." Mac looked at Milana and then closed her eyes. "All I know is that he's trying to figure out why you killed his brother, and why your pussy ass cousin didn't do it himself," she said looking at me with such hate. It didn't phase me though.
"Wake her up and take her down," I said to Trish and she snickered and walked over to Milana. "You must really have a death wish nigga! I swear to God if you fucking touch her I'm going to rip your fucking throat out myself!" Mac spat at me while she fidgetted with the rope to get herself free.
I walked over and laid Milana out on the couch while Mac continued to yell. "Trish leave, Nick take her back to campus I don't need anyone knowing she had anything to do with this," I said to the both of them. After they left I looked down at Milana and ripped the tape of her mouth. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" She yelled as she tried to kick me off of her. I pinned her legs to the side. And whispered in her ear, " Honey this is only the beginning," She looked at me horrified. "HELP ME!SOMEONE PLEAAASE HELP ME!"She screamed, "You can yell but no one will hear you,"I said as I put the condom on.

Milana's POV:
There was a sharp pain ripping through my body. As he thrust himself in and out of me I vomitted all over myself. Help!Help me someone please! I yelled inside my head but the words didn't come out. After fighting him and screaming no over and over I finally passed out. I saw Blaze and Angel in my head telling me not to give up and to be strong but the pain that I felt was overbearing.
Dear God,
I'm sorry for everything I've done to Anger you or to cause disappointment. I'm trying to be strong right now Lord but I feel like giving up and letting go. My body has been violated and broken. What do I do?

My child,
Hang in there and fight! I am proud of you, I will never leave you nor forsake you. I have prepared a table infront of your enemies. This too shall pass.
Blaze POV:
I haven't slept, I haven't eaten and I haven't stopped thinking. I've been meeting with Ashton and Miles for the last 72 hours and we've been finding some shit out. A dude from the baseball team said he and his buddies saw Trish get in Clay's car down the block from the hotel where we had homecoming. Ashton is supposed to be meeting me and Miles in the back woods after he picks up Trish. Man this bitch don't know what's about to happen to her.
Milana has been on my mind all damn day. I just keep hoping that she's okay. And everytime I think of all of the possible things that could be happening to her I start to cry. I swear to God when I see clay I'm going to kill that nigga myself.
Ashton POV:
Clay has no clue just how bad he fucked up but for right now we have to find out what role Trish is playing in this bullshit. The police have been around campus talking to students and professors about what they saw during the night of homecoming and if they know Clay's whereabouts but we've been conducting a little investigation of our own. Miles, Blaze, Angel and Marie are all waiting in the back woods for me to bring Trish. This bitch so stupid thinking I'm bringing her because Miles said he missed her...yea iight. As we walking through the woods I notice trish keep looking down at her phone like she's waiting on something.
"What the fuck you acting so paranoid for?" I looked over at her biting her lip nervously. "Oh nothing waiting to see if my loans went through," She know she lying but whatever.
When we get to the spot I step away from Trish because I know what's coming. Angel comes out of nowhere swinging,knocking Trish to the ground. "GET OFF OF ME YOU STUPID BITCH," Trish says trying to get Angel off of her. Miles pulls Angel off of her and marie grabs Trish. Blaze starts tying Trish's arms and legs. "What the fuck do you think you're doing? Let me go!!" I looked at Trish and laughed. "You got some serious explaining to do," I said pulling out my switch blade. Blaze laid Trish down on the ground and lifted up her shirt. Miles walked over with a metal can. "What are you doing? Why are you doing this to me?" Trish said as tears started rolling down her cheeks. No one said anything as miles took a rat and put in on her stomach and put the bucket over it. Trish's eyes became wide as she screamed and cried.
Miles POV:
It hurts me more than it is hurting her for me to do this. But since she wants to act like my enemy then she is going to be treated like my enemy. I turned on the torch and looked at her. "This can be simple or you can make this hard for yourself, Tell me what I want to know and your punishment won't be so bad but if you don't tell me what I want to know then things are going to get ugly and I do mean fast. I'm going to heat up this bucket and when the bucket gets hot so will the rat and the rat will panick and try to find a way out. And the only way out is through you."
Her eyes got wide,"Pleeasee you don't have to do this! I'm sorry please just let me go!!" she begged me and I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. I shook my head and looked at her. "Why did Clay take Milana," I stared into her eyes and she looked away. She didn't answer me so I put the torch to the bucket. I heard the rat freaking out and suddenly she started screaming,"IT'S SCRATCHING ME! OK OK STOP I'LL TELL YOU, I'LL TELL YOU,"she was crying uncontrollably and I moved the torch. She looked over at me,"You took Milana's side that night at the party and pushed me to the side like I wasn't shit. And then Kaya told me that you've been creeping around with Marie. So I got angry and went to talk to Clay." I could feel my blood boiling and at that moment I had already known what she had done. "So I told Clay how Milana is really your sister and how she doesn't know and that she doesn't know that her dad is dead," I got so angry that I put the torch back to the bucket. I watched her scream and cry in pain. When the blood started coming out from the sides of the bucket Marie yelled for me to stop. "What happened last night Trish?What was the plan?,"I said, I put the torch down out of fear that I'd let the rat kill her before I got the information that I needed. "Clay said he was just going to scare her a little, so he had someone drug her at the party but I don't know who it was. We just banged her up a little but then Clay....," She started crying harder and turned her head away. I lost it; I kicked the bucket and the rat off of her, picked her up and slammed her against the tree. "WHAT THE FUCK DID CLAY DO?!"I was yelling now and I couldn't control myself. "Well he told some other girl that he had hostage in there that he was going to rape Milana if she didn't tell him what he wanted to know," I felt the tears rolling down my face. I suddenly got really cold and became really calm.I knew the girl that she was referring to was Mac. "Did she tell him what he wanted to know?" I said softly trying to look in her eyes for reassurance. "No," she whispered, I took a couple steps back as she fell to the ground. I turned around to face everyone and fell to my knees. I began crying so hard that I couldn't breath, Ashton came over and dropped down beside me. She just set Milana up to die.

Losing God Between My thighs Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora