Don't Tempt Me

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Blaze's POV:
Chase ass is always late but man I was happy as fuck to see her. I knew that if I could count on anyone to have my back during this fight that it was her. When I saw her hop out the truck my heart sank, because that's when it finally hit me that this shit is real. I stepped out of the back of Nick's car and hugged her, I was so thankful to have her as my ride or die. "How you holding up?" Chase said looking at me like she was trying to analyze my face. I opened my mouth to speak but only tears came out. "It's alright bruh, we got your back and you know we bout to fuck shit up,"chase signaled for everyone to get out of the trucks. Once I saw everyone my face lit up. Although it wasn't the whole fam enough of them were here.
Yani,Button,junior,Tek,Preston,Kit and Araya,my niggaas! I've missed them all so fuckin much man. They all came and hugged me and teased me a little bit. "Uh uh what the fuck they got you out here starving nigga?! You thin as fuck," button said hitting me in my side. I shoved her back laughing," Yo chill it ain't like you came up here with a plate to bring a nigga as much as you be in the fucking kitchen, Jalissa still got you whipped?" I asked her, "Man fuck Jalissa she don't own me!" button said as her phone started ringing. She grabbed it out of her pocket, "Fuck man this the 5th time today," she was irritated and stared at the screen. "You betta answer that shit daddy before you get kicked out again" Yani joked and everybody started laughing. "Man whatever" button walked to the side of the car and answered her phone.
"Alright so what needs to be done first? Tek packed all the equipment and you know Junior is good with bombs and explosive shit, just give us the commands and you know we're on it" Chase said opening up the trunk of one if the Suv's.
Nick's POV:
I'm scared as fuck, don't get me wrong I'm a tough dude but I really have gotten myself into some deep shit. I have a good heart but damn I wasn't built for this shit. "What the fuck did you do?" I asked Kierra after I saw the group of people get out the trucks. "I got US some fucking help! You been trying to do this by yourself and look how far it's gotten you! If they get Milana back in one piece you know you are going down right along with Clay! He's going to make sure of it,"Kierra said hopping in the passenger seat forcing me to look at her. "I did what was in the best interest of us, look I already talked to Blaze, we help them and they help us by killing Clay and the most you get is an ass whooping that you can surely recover from," Kierra suddenly got distracted staring at one of the dykes out the window. "She is cute as fuck who is that?" the girl looked over at us and Kierra quickly looked the oposite way. "Nick all you have to do is cooperate and things will get easier for you," I looked at her like she was crazy, "Easier for me? You just said they're going to beat my ass! What the fuck bruh! They're probably going to jump my ass, I'll never make it out," I felt my heart beating fast. "Quit being a pussy! They're not going to jump you...they're just going to take turns," She looked down at the floor. Fuck.
Blaze POV:
After talking to kierra I learned that Clay's crew was staying in a hotel not too far from here, they were going to be at the storage unit by Thursday so that they would be prepared for our arrival by Friday. That's something we need to handle today. It's going to be tricky though because they have the explosives that Nick put together. Which means we just can't go in there shooting the place up, we need to be strategic. I shed some light on the current situation and she and Tek came up with a plan. But before we can execute it properly we need to make sure that Nick is fully on board.
I walk over to the car and yank Nick out by his collar. "Man what the fuck?! You could have asked politely stupid bitch!", As he got in my face I immediately heard guns drawn. I put my hand out and signaled for my crew to put them down.
Chase's POV:
Blaze is my sister blood couldn't make us any closer. I've been in the gang life since I was 16. I was down with the Latin Kings but after I was jumped out I started a little crew of my own. We don't jump you in or out that's the difference between us and most gangs.If you want in then you're in after we do our own little initiations and if you want to leave then you are free to go. I'm not with that beating the shit out of people for no reason. Especially because I know people that join gangs usually come from some fucked up circumstances. The last thing they need is to get the shit beat out of them after society and potential family members have already done that.
I lived a pretty normal childhood until my brother was killed by a drunk driver, he was only 4. He and my cousin were playing catch with a ball on our block and the ball rolled into the street. My cousin wasn't paying attention and my brother went to go get it, the driver was driving on the wrong side of the road...well you get the picture. It devastated my family nothing was the same. My dad started drinking heavily and began abusing my mother and I, I was only 7. He would punch me and slap me and if I didn't do what he wanted he would whip me in my back with the belt until he finally got tired. One night my dad came home drunk out of his mind and got mad because his dinner was cold, he held my mom down on the couch and started beating her bad while she screamed for me to go to my room and lock the door. But I didn't, I went in my parents room and grabbed his gun. When I came back out I shot him twice in the chest.
My mother screamed and cried and tried to wake him up but it was no use that nigga was dead. She hated me after that, I didn't understand why because I saved her life. I went to jail for it though, I was only 11 and I got out when I was 15. I didn't do too much time for it because the police saw all of my bruises and cuts and said it was self defense. My mother did time too because I used the gun and because of my bruising and scars, the officers said it was endangering the welfare of a child and she did 8 years upstate.
When I got out I was on my own because my mom was still locked up. Long story short after starting my own crew I met Blaze I was older than her but she really softened up my heart. I met her when she was 13 and I was 20. She was trying to find some comfort in the gang life after her mother got with this new guy. He was abusing them and it really pissed me off, I took her under my wing and forced her to go to school and get her education. The girl was talented with a basketball she didn't need to waste her life chasing money and drugs.
Her mom was broke and what money she did have went to the boyfriend. So whatever Blaze needed I got it shoes,clothes,school supplies,medicine, extra cash anything she needed she named it and I got it. I saw a lot of myself in her and didn't want her to end up like me.
So when I got the call from her saying that her girlfriend had been kidnapped I got here asap, I'll fuck up this whole world for her if she asked me to. When I saw this Nick dude get up in her face I lost it. "Calm the fuck down before I let a round off in your head," I pushed the gun against his temple. "Nah it's okay chase I got this,"I moved the gun and stepped back slowly. "Look I don't have time for this bullshit alright? You need me right now just as much as I need you whether we like this shit or not. So chill the fuck out so I can tell you what the plan is,"Blaze said taking a step back. Nick calmed his bitch ass down,not like he had a choice though he was surrounded. "And what if I don't need you? Huh?What if I choose not to help you?" Nick said, this nigga got balls. Blaze reached out her hand and I gave her my heat. She cocked that shit back and raised it to his forehead. "If you don't then you die, right here right now and we frame your sister for it," She sounded so cold and disconnected but she was right. Tek,Junior,and Preston are the best when it comes to tampering with scene evidence and making it look like someone else was to blame for the crime.

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