Family Day

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*1 month later*
Blaze POV:
It's homecoming weekend but today is family day and my mom and her boyfriend are coming. I don't know why the fuck they are coming, I told them not to but she insisted. She don't get it, I don't want nothing to do with her! How do you stay with a man that beat your daughter and tried to rape her?! I can't even look at her the same. I call her Bethany, because that's her name. She hates it but what the fuck does she expect? I have told Milana that my mother and I don't get along but I haven't told her why. I have a hard time talking about it. But she still wants to meet my mom,I'd love for her to meet my mother, the woman who birthed me and raised me before she met that perverted ass nigga but we all can't have what we want now can we? Anyways they're going to be here in fifteen minutes guess I'd better get ready...
Milana POV:
I can't wait to see my mom and my nana, I have missed them so much. And nana's restaurant has been doing so good so I know that she's going to bring me a lot of nice stuff. My nana's rich, she owns her own korean restaurant and a couple of clothing stores, she told me that when she dies I get to have it all. The perks of being an only child. But the downside is that I feel bad for my mom. Ever since my dad went away to do his research and doctor duties we have been struggling financially. My nana says that's why my mom should have married a good hard working, disciplined Korean man and she wouldn't be struggling like this. But my mom works hard on her own I'm sure she'll figure it out. I head over to Blaze's room and knock on the door. Angel opens the door, "Hey boo!," she says as I walk in, "Hey beautiful," I say as I lay on top of Blaze of who is laying down watching some basketball game. Me and Angel have become close over the last month, I think it'll take me a while to fully trust anyone but she's the same way so we see eye to eye. "Bae get off of me I can't see, your lion mane is in my face,"she laughed as she flipped me over on my back and got on top of me. "You missed me?" she said kissing all over my face. "I just saw you last night," I said giggling trying to cover my face. "So girl you better miss me," she kissed me deeply and I had to try and catch my breath. "Uh uh yal better not be over there kissing without me," Angel said jumping on on the both of us. All three of us went tumbling onto the floor screaming and laughing. "Damn fat ass," I said throwing a pillow at Angel. Before we could say anything else someone began knocking on the, "Mija open the door it's your mom," I looked at Blaze and her face looked flushed. She got up and opened the door while me and Angel remained on the floor.

Blaze POV:
I opened the door and my mom was standing there smiling like a little as kid. "Hi Bethany," I said trying to sound as nice as possible. "Do not embarrass me today, you will call me mom and that is all," She whispered in my ear as she brushed passed me. Her boyfriend looked me up and down and followed my mom into my room. "Oh Mija you didn't tell me you made new friends," She walked over to Angel and Milana and started introducing herself. She about to be fake all day, acting like we are just the perfect little family. She did that all the time. "Hello, I'm zacharie's mom, you can call me Bethany," I really just wanted to kick her and her boyfriend out of my room at that point. My name is not fucking Zacharie, it's Blaze I thought to myself. Angel and Milana looked at me smiling and shook her hand. "I'm Angel, I'm your daughters roommate and this is my best friend Milana," Angel said while looking at me to make sure she introduced Milana correctly. If my mom wasn't the person she was I would have introduced Milana much differently but that's not the case. She doesn't need to know anything about my life.
"Well it's nice to meet the both of you," Bethany said looking back at me. I rolled my eyes. Just then Milana's phone started ringing, she answered it and her mom told her that she was outside. "Well it was really nice meeting you Ms. Bethany, Angel and I actually have to get going,"Milana said grabbing Angel and heading towards the door. She gave me a quick hug and told me she'd text me later. Great I was stuck with Bozo the clown and her fucking sidekick.
Angel's POV:
I don't have any family,I was put into the system when I was 6. My parents were strung out on drugs, and left me home by myself for 2 weeks with nothing but water and chicken nuggets. Eventually the woman across the hall in our apartment building figured it out and called child protective services. I bounced around for a little while and after running away several times at the age of 13 they eventually put me in a group home. I hated it there, the older girls used to jump me and made me sleep on the floor. And there were roaches and flees everywhere. On my 16th Birthday I met this councelor from the high school who said he could help me out and give me a chance at a better future.
He noticed how I always got good grades and asked me if I thought about college, I told him no. I just couldn't afford it. So he hooked me up with this military recruiter guy and my life suddenly started to look up. Training was hard but when they told me they would pay for my college education I was motivated even more to make it through.
I'm so glad Milana offered for me to have dinner with her mom and her nana. If she didn't I would have been alone on family day and depressed. When we got outside I saw her mom and nana get out of this really nice cream 2015 cadillac escalade. I knew she had money. Her nana was such a cute little tiny woman and her mom was beautiful. "Hey I missed you two soooo much!" Milana was cheesing so hard when she ran up and embraced them both. I just stood there, I never had that kind of thing, ya know? Never had someone who loved me like that, never had a mother figure or anything... It's one of the things I've longed for my whole life. When I see other teens disrespect their mothers and fathers I just get so angry, because there are people like me who would give up everything to have parents even just for a second. "Mom and nana this is my close friend Angel, Angel this is my mom and nana,"Milana introduced us and I smiled. "It's nice to meet you two," I said,"You can call me Lynn or Milana's friends usually call me mom if you'd like and my mother just prefers to be called nana,"Milana's mom is so sweet and when she hugged me I could feel her love and care rub off on me. "Okay,"I said still smiling, I know I've just met them but for some strange reason I feel like I I finally fit somewhere.
Milana POV:
I'm so happy to see my family even if it is really little. But I am especially happy that I get to share my family with Angel. I know that they are going to adore her. "Okay so I'm hungry where are we going?" I said looking at my mom. "We are going to Bacchanalia in Atlanta now get your young asses in the car,"My nana said getting in the driver's seat.
We got into the car, "Nana you salty or nah?," I said as me and Angel started laughing. "Salty? No honey your grandfather seasoned me good before he died," she said with her little attitude backing out of the parking lot. Me, my mother and Angel all started cracking the fuck up. "Oh you find that funny do you? Well if you would stop eating the kitty and bumping your little clam and pearl against another you might be well seasoned too," My nana said looking at me through the mirror, "Who's salty now?" nana said laughing hysterically. Angel leaned over to me trying not to laugh,"Daaaayyuuum, nana got jokes but hey don't knock it til you try it," me and Angel started laughing. I could tell this was going to be an interesting dinner.
Clay's POV:
Tomorrow night is going to be a really important night. Everything has got to go smoothly no fuck ups. Miles is going to regret fucking with me. When all this goes down I'm going to have that bitch nigga on his knees. "Baby what are you thinking about? Because you aren't fucking me right,"Trish looked down at me as she stopped riding my dick. "Damn can a nigga think?the fuck," I was only fucking this bitch for information and now that I got it she is really starting to annoy the fuck out of me. I grabbed her and slammed her on her back on the bed and slid my dick inside of her, giving her fast and hard strokes. "Mmmm yesss babbyy,"she said grabbing on to the sheets. I went deeper and harder inside of her causing her to scream. I got to admit this bitch got good pussy though.
Blaze's POV:
We spent 4 hours in the mall already and I was just ready to go. "Mija come into the fitting room with me so I can try on this nice jumper pant suit,"My mom insisted. We got into the changing room and I sat down in the chair, while I texted Milana.
*Babee I miss you!*-Milana
*Awe miss you more baby cakes*-Blaze
*Wyd? How's spendin time w/ ur mom & her bf going?*-Milana
I was getting ready to reply to her text when I looked up and saw my moms back. It was bruised and scratched, before I could even think it through I grabbed her by her shoulders and turned her around to face me. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOUR BACK? IS HE BEATING YOU AGAIN?!" she looked horrified and I could see the tears starting to form. "Sssh Before he hears you! Mija you weren't supposed to see that,"She quickly put her clothes back on and decided she didn't want the pant suit. I hated to see her like this, it sucks because I have truly only wanted the best for her but she chooses to stay in this bullshit. I tried to calm down so that she would stop crying. "Give me the pant suit I'll buy it, and what'd you do this time to piss him off? Was his food not hot enough? Did you forget to put the top back on the toothpaste? You keep allowing this bitch ass nigga to hit you," she started crying harder and I just held her in my arms. "You deserve better and I swear to God that I am going to make sure he never hurts you or me again and I mean that,"I whispered to her as she continued to cry on my chest.

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