Due Date

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Milana's POV:
I was laying my head on Mac's lap while she played in my hair. It's nice when Clay leaves for long periods of time because we get time to bond. She is the only aunt I have and what's great is that we can relate. "It wasn't easy coming out in fact my mother;your grandmother, kicked me out of the house and I was on my own for about 6 months," she said while she ran her fingers through my hair. "I bounced around a lot during that time staying with random females during the nights and running the streets with my brothers during the day," her voice started to crack a little and she cleared her throat. "When I came out to my mom she cried and cried and she wouldn't even look at me...,"I felt my mouth get numb and then I leaned over the side of the couch and threw up.
Mac hopped up and grabbed some water and an apple off of the counter and cleaned me up and told me to eat. Mac started looking at me wierd and opened her mouth to say something but stopped herself. "What?" I said biting the apple while trying to get comfortable on the couch. "You've been sick for the last couple of days, the only thing you can keep down is apples and your stomach has been swelling up," She said lifting up my shirt. I looked down and examined my stomach, there were so many bruises and cuts. "Well I have been beaten I've barely been getting fed and we are locked away in a storage container, I'm sure that's the reason why I'm sick and I wouldn't be surprised if something's wrong with my stomach," I said not wanting to acknowledge where she was taking this conversation. "Yea there is something wrong with your stomach, you're pregnant!" Mac practically yelled at me. I knew she was right, I had a feeling I was a couple of days ago but I've been trying not to think about it, because if I do I know I'm going to break down. I looked at her and I started to feel the tears run down my face. Mac came and sat down on the couch and pulled me into her chest.
Just then we heard a bang and Clay came through the door. He looked pissed. "Get the fuck up now! You two need to be moved," He grabbed me by my arm and Mac punched him in his face. He fell and she got on top of him and started to beat him. All of a sudden I heard her yell and saw the knife sticking out of her side. Clay threw her off of him and got up. Mac pulled the knife out of her side and I ran over to her to help. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?" I took off my shirt ripped off the bottom hem and tied it around her midesction to put pressure on the bleeding. "Are you okay?" I panicked as I looked at mac. "I'll be fine just help me get up."

Blaze's POV:
We took out Clay's crew and got the bombs disabled. Chase has been really strict about my gun use, she won't let me shoot anyone. She is afraid that I won't be able to handle having a dead body on my conscious and truth is she's right. We were on our way to meet Miles and the fam when Nick busted through the door. "There's so much blood..." He covered his mouth and Chase's eyes grew wide. "Don't you even fucking think about it walk your ass outside! That's too much DNA to try and clean up," Nick nodded his head and left the room. I felt my pants begin to vibrate so I took out my phone and realized it was Miles.
Blaze:What up tho?
Miles:We're here.
Blaze: You seen Clay?
Miles: Yea he just stormed into the unit he must know about his crew.
Blaze: good. We'll be there in 5 minutes make sure everyone is ready to go when we get there. Everything needs to be in sync we can't afford any fuck ups.
Miles: You got it.
I hung up the phone and looked at Chase and nodded my head. We got into the trucks and headed out. My heart was beating so fast. I'm finally going to get my baby back today and I swear I'm never going to let her out of my sight again. From now on wherever she goes I go, I don't give a fuck even if she has to go to the bathroom to change a pad I'll be right there. I slid my hand into my pants pocket and rubbed my finger against the little box and smiled.

Mac's POV:
Clay looked panicked and was pacing back and forth across the room. He then walked over to the wall and pushed a button and the floor began to open underneath us. I grabbed Milana and pulled her on top of me as we fell into the darkness. I wanted to make sure to cushion her fall, i didn't want my niece or nephew getting hurt in there. "You okay?" I looked at her as she scooted off of me. "Yea I'm fine, are you okay," she asked reaching her hand over to my side. "Yea I'll be alright, this isn't my first time being stabbed," I tried to give her a reassuring smile but everything started to go black.

Milana's POV:
"MAC!! MAC?!! WAKE UP!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASSE!" I screamed and shook her. I felt the tears burning the side of my face. I stood up and yelled as loud as I could to clay as I looked up through the floor. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" He looked down at me and climbed down the steps to where I was.
He stood infront of me face to face and I saw tears form in his eyes and then fade. "You may think I'm the bad guy here but your brother is no saint, you want to know why we are where we are? Because your oldest brother killed my mother so my brother took his life. And now Miles is after me because he thinks I'm the one who took his life. Your brothers have taken so many people from me but I decided to do something a little different. Instead of taking a life from Miles I'm adding one to his life," he said as he pointed to my stomach.
I felt myself get light headed. "You got me pregnant on purpose?!,"I couldn't hold back any longer and I punched him right in his face. He looked at me and clenched his jaw and jumped at me but stopped himself. "If you weren't carrying my legacy I'd break your neck, but I need Miles to be stuck with a piece of me for the rest of his life. You see even if they kill me here which I'm betting they will, He will never be able to get rid of my seed." He turned around and headed back up the stairs. "You lost your mother and your brother killed my father...so I guess we are both caught up in this mess because of the decisions that our families made. We didn't have to be like them you know? We could have been different..." Clay turned around slowly and walked back down the stairs.
We were face to face again. "Peyton was your father," He looked at me confused. "Yea, he was," I looked down at the floor. Clay started laughing and I looked up at him puzzled. "What's so fucking funny?" I felt my blood boiling. "I knocked up Peyton's daughter," He laughed harder but then the laughing turned to tears. "Before eveything happened, Peyton and my brother Steven were best friends. Peyton used to teach me how to ball and even showed me a life outside of the street game...but then that night when I came home from school there he was hovered over my mom..." His voice trailed off and he suddenly became angry again. He smacked me and grabbed me, "Your family ruined my fucking life you're not a victim you're a threat," I slid the knife out of the front of my underwear and stabbed clay deep in his stomach. "You're right I'm not a victim, we are the victims I told you we didn't have to be like them."I whispered in his ear. I pulled the knife out and watched his body crash to the ground.

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