I see the bitch in you

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Milanas POV:
Blaze is cute.....sike who am I foolin?!She is sexy as fuck! When she licked her lips I just wanted to look up and say," LAWWWWD JESSUUS TAKE ME NOW!!" but of course I didn't. When we got to the front of the class Taz gave me this snide ass grin but I looked passed her as if she weren't there. Blaze looked at me and flicked me in my arm, " you want to introduce me first or do you want me to introduce you first?" did this heffa just flick me?! I looked at her, " I don't care do you," she gave me a strange look and began introducing me. Taz started to yawn really loud and began rolling her eyes. Blaze stopped in the middle of what she was saying and addressed Taz, "Excuse me but you are being extremely rude and disrespectful, you are distracting the class and I'm not tolerating it."
Taz looked at her puzzled and silently mouthed"what the fuck?" but Blaze didn't pay her any mind. She continued, "Milana takes pride in her long black hair and it is almost as beautiful as her green eyes and her smile," she looked at me. I was caught off guard and started to bite my lip to keep from smiling dumb hard.
Taz looked pissed and said," she ain't all that now bruh stop exaggerating," Blaze opened up her mouth to say something but I cut her off. "Shut the fuck up, your breath smells so bad it's about to scorch my fucking eyebrows off!"Everyone busted out laughing. The professor put her hand over her mouth to hide her smirk, and then stood up. "Ms. Wilson you will not use that profanity in my classroom and Ms. Smith you will not interrupt their presentation anymore or I will speak to the registrar and have you dropped from my class."

Blaze POV:
The class was over and everyone got their stuff and left. Milana left so fast she didn't even wait long enough for me to ask if I could walk with her to lunch but it was cool tho. I walked out of the class and headed down the stairs. "So we showing out for bitches now?" I heard Taz's voice accompanied by the laughter of her best friend kierra. Kierra was a stud but told people she was a stem after she met me. She wants me on the low, yesterday in the gym room she came up behind me and told me she would let me fuck but I laughed in her face. I stopped in the middle of the stairs and looked at Taz. " Man fuck that, you was outta line and you knew that shit, that girl aint do shit to you," Taz started laughing.
She playfully hit the side of my arm,"Chill bruh I'm just messin it's okay if you want my leftovers that girl ain't shit anyway." I licked my lips and stepped to her, "good so since she ain't shit then I guess you won't mind if I work on getting with her then? Shit cuz the way I see it is you couldn't handle having that much woman anyway." I could tell I was getting under her skin but she tried to play it off, "whatever she stuck up anyway goodluck with that," her and kierra walked away mumbling and shit.
I walked into the dining hall and tapped my ID on the scanner. I looked around the cafeteria, although it was a small school there seemed to be a lot of people in here. I went to find a seat to put my bag down in. Some darkskin girl with straight hair came up to me, "You're new here right? You can come sit at the table with us." She pointed to one of the round tables where a couple of girls and guys were sitting.
I looked around to see if I could find Milana but couldn't. "Alright cool," I followed the girl over to the table and set my stuff down in the chair next to hers. Everyone looked at me and said wassup, I nodded my head. "I'm angel," the darkskin girl said as she pointed to the rest of the table, "And that's marie, trish, kaya, miles and ashton." Marie is bad as fuck I couldn't even lie, she looked half asian and half black and had short curly hair.
Her curves were everything and her tattoos were sexy. Kaya and trish are twins, they look white but they might be mixed, they have long dark hair and big eyes. Miles and ashton are cousins, they're Jamaican with long dreads and hazel eyes. " Wassup I'm Blaze," I smiled and then walked away to get something to eat. I got some pizza. And went over to get a drink, the drinks were by the side room where all the nerds,geeks, and freaks eat. It was a nice room tho.
As I got my drink and peaked into the room, and milana was sitting by herself with her headphones in eating a burger. I was about to walk in there when kierra came up behind me.
"Yo you gotta stop coming up behind me," I said as I turned around. Before I could do anything kierra grabbed my face and kissed me. I pushed her off of me and when I looked up I noticed Milana dumped her stuff and was headed out the door. Fuck. "Why the fuck would you do that bruh! I'm not with that stud for stud shit." She started laughing and I walked away before I beat the shit out of her.

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